2: area 2, 5: area 5, 7a: area 7a, 7b: area 7b, 7op: opercular area 7, AIP: anterior parietal area, DP: dorsal prelunate area, LIP: lateral intraparietal area, MIP: medial intraparietal area, PIP: posterior parietal area, VIP: ventral intraparietal area, V6A: extrastriate visual ...
The majority of the medial origin of the ILS was located in the periosteum just below the upper mucolabial fold, and the minority was located in the periosteum just above the upper mucolabial fold. The origin of the ILS between the most-medial point and the most-lateral point was located...
The dorsal division of the anterior cortical nucleus (D ACo) occupies the fundus of the sulcus hemisphericus and therefore shows a wide molecular layer (L1) that also contains the rich glial cell population and a sharply marked subpial granular layer (described above). It is made up of small...
An approach that ties candidate or novel morphogens to cortical area map development and anatomy within the range of normal individual differences would prove complementary. Complex trait analysis of the mouse central nervous system [11], allied with gene expression approaches [10], can be used ...
To calculate basal area, assume that a tree is cut off at 4.5 ft above ground (DBH). Since the area of a circle is πr2, and since we commonly measure the diameter of a tree rather than the radius, we can substitute (DBH/2) into the equation, which then becomes: Basalarea(units...
Immunostaining of these sections with LYVE-1 as a marker for lymphatic endothelial cells (Prevo et al., 2001) and with CD11b as a marker for macrophages in the sinus (see above) revealed uptake and processing of tracer by both cell types, which are the prevailing cell types in the sinus...
The CBCT scan field view covered the whole skull and upper airway contour, with the superior border above the calvarium and inferior border below the epiglottic base. The regions of interest (ROIs) of training data in this study are three segmented regions (the nasopharynx, retropalatal ...