My friend thinks you're kinda cute, but I don't... I think you're absolutely gorgeous! Let's commit the perfect crime: I'll steal your heart, and you'll steal mine. You spend so much time in my mind, I should charge you rent. If kisses were snowflakes, I'd send you a blizza...
President Moon has called for reunification between the two countries and an intent to formally end the Korean War through a peace treaty (although China and the U.S. need to agree to end the war as ironically, South Korea was not involved in the initial armistice that brought the Korean W...
Released June 15, 1981, the self-titled debut from Duran Duran enjoyed massive breakthrough success … in the U.K. Stateside, the band didn’t get much attention, even as singles “Planet Earth,”“Careless Memories” and “Girls on Film” soared up the U.K. chart. It wouldn’t be u...
Canadian professional "Photographer of the Year" Janice Lang won first prize for this picture of our back door. It is the entrance to our library. You will recognize the two white wooden things hanging on the wall as sticks that you use to poke your wash as it boils on the stove. Visit...
* And, to bury the lead: Osha, the stunning wildling slavegirl who’s always hanging out with Bran and Hodor, gets very, VERY naked this week. Natalia Tena – who went clothing-free in 2005’s “Mrs. Henderson Presents” and a 2006 episode of the U.K. TV series “Afterlife,” fai...
Released June 15, 1981, the self-titled debut from Duran Duran enjoyed massive breakthrough success … in the U.K. Stateside, the band didn’t get much attention, even as singles “Planet Earth,”“Careless Memories” and “Girls on Film” soared up the U.K. chart. It wouldn’t be ...
Released June 15, 1981, the self-titled debut from Duran Duran enjoyed massive breakthrough success … in the U.K. Stateside, the band didn’t get much attention, even as singles “Planet Earth,”“Careless Memories” and “Girls on Film” soared up the U.K. chart. It wouldn’t be ...
Released June 15, 1981, the self-titled debut from Duran Duran enjoyed massive breakthrough success … in the U.K. Stateside, the band didn’t get much attention, even as singles “Planet Earth,”“Careless Memories” and “Girls on Film” soared up the U.K. chart. It wouldn’t be ...
but if it's mixed with gold, it turns bright purple. Now either your fingers actually are worth their weight in gold, or you've been sprinkling your husband's cereal with gold sodium thiomalate. It's an arthritis remedy that it's rarely used here in the in the U.S. But it's stil...
Released June 15, 1981, the self-titled debut from Duran Duran enjoyed massive breakthrough success … in the U.K. Stateside, the band didn’t get much attention, even as singles “Planet Earth,”“Careless Memories” and “Girls on Film” soared up the U.K. chart. It wouldn’t be ...