U.K., and the specialty-packaged Ed Shaver AMX cars (which included a sheet ofdecalsmatching those on his dragster) were distributed at race events. According to Hot Wheels collector, historian and appraiser Mike Zarnock, they were also available through a cereal mail-in and by sending in ...
Movies and TV shows have always found ways to partner with cereal companies as part of their promotion strategy. While some may have come up with a giveaway in boxes, others went big by having their own cereal connected to the movie or TV show title. Here are vintage cereals that were ...
General Mills first introduced the little cereal circles as Cheerioats but ran into legal trouble with Quaker Oats, which laid claim to use of the word oats in its products, and the name Cheerios emerged in 1945. The brand’s first mascot in print advertising was a girl by the name ofChe...
The creators imagine what the movie Sex and the City 3 will be like if made more guy friendly, Yogi Bear battles with the Power Rangers from Jellystone Park, find out why no one cares about Woody Woodpecker anymore and see the nail biting, hair raising, super big finish of Season Five ...
Not unlike a Saturday Morning Super Hero decked out in protective gear as he makes Saturday mornings safe for kiddie sales of sugary cereal and overpriced toys, Officer Mata approached the hive in his protective animal control gear. Then, the swashbuckling hero of animal protection began spraying ...
but if it's mixed with gold, it turns bright purple. Now either your fingers actually are worth their weight in gold, or you've been sprinkling your husband's cereal with gold sodium thiomalate. It's an arthritis remedy that it's rarely used here in the in the U.S. But it's stil...
Cereal Michigan is known as the "Cereal Capital of the World" due to its ideal climate for cereal production and the presence of major cereal companies in the state. Battle Creek, Michigan was once the center of the cereal industry, with Kellogg and Post as the leaders in cereal production...
* And, to bury the lead: Osha, the stunning wildling slavegirl who’s always hanging out with Bran and Hodor, gets very, VERY naked this week. Natalia Tena – who went clothing-free in 2005’s “Mrs. Henderson Presents” and a 2006 episode of the U.K. TV series “Afterlife,” fai...
What is a cat’s favorite cereal? Mice crispies! What do cats like to drink in the morning? Cat-puccinos! What is a cat’s favorite dessert? Chocolate mouse! What's a cat's favorite food? Paw-sta! What do you call half a tuna? A one-a!
Most young people today don’t eat cereal for breakfast because they, and we are quoting, think it “was an inconvenient breakfast choice because they had to clean up after eating it”. It’s apparently too much work nowadays to wash a spoon and bowl. Millennials Don’t Really Ride ...