Turnips are healthy for your dogto eat and contain vitamins C and B6 as well as folic acid and magnesium. These veggies are good for your dog's metabolism, support a healthy nervous system, and are beneficial for dogs with kidney disease as they help stimulate kidney function. Are dogs al...
Starchy vegetables, like squash, potatoes, and beets Nuts and seeds Whole grains, like barley, whole-grain rice, and whole-wheat pasta Fruits Foods to Avoid: You must eliminate these following foods while doing the Atkins diet: Sugar, vegetable oils, Trans fats, Starches, Grains, Diet and lo...
Which part of the plant is a carrot? A carrot (Daucus carota) is aroot vegetable, usually orange or white in colour with a woody texture. The edible part of a carrot is a taproot. Is potato a taproot? The potato is a starchy, red or brown skinned, underground stem called a tuber....
At the start of the new year, Hayley and I decided to join the masses of people cleaning up their diets by doing the 21 Day Sugar Detox. Diane Sanfilippo (who runs Balanced Bites and the 21 Day Sugar Detox) is a good friend of ours. She came to stay with us for a few weeks back...
They were serving lasagna, and they just could not fathom the idea of a cheese (or vegetable) lasagna, so instead they took veggie burgers and mashed them up and put them in the lasagna as the “meat”. As you can imagine, it was kinda gross :) ...