In freshwater fish, it is well established that chemical pollutants – such as the pesticide atrazine, fertilizer runoff from livestock operations, ethinyl estradiol (the active ingredient in the birth control pill) – have all skewed the sex populations of wild populations of fish. Even tiny amoun...
Barramundi. Gemfish. Orange roughy. Ling. Southern bluefin tuna. Is Red perch good to eat? The beautiful pink-red skin on red perch is totally edible while the white flesh is moist with a delicate slightly sweet flavor similar to red snapper. Cook it the same as you would fillet of flou...
Common meats include lamb, goat, fish, chicken and Beef. Beef is less common in India than in other SouthAsian cuisines because cattle have a special place in Hinduism. Prohibitions against beef extend to the meat of (water) buffalo and yaks to some extent. Pork is considered as a taboo ...