turn_off){// 逐渐增加亮度brightness+=5;if(brightness>255){brightness=255;turn_off=true;}}else{...
} else { // turn LED off: digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); } } 代码的工作原理 下面概述了代码的工作原理: 变量和常量: buttonPin:连接按钮的引脚 2。 ledPin:连接 LED 的引脚 13。 buttonState:存储按钮的状态(HIGH 或 LOW)。 setup(): 设置为 OUTPUT 和 INPUT。ledPinbuttonPin loop(): 读取按钮的状态。
视频音乐来自:Clipchamp 视频电路图由VirtualBreadBoard制作 参考链接: https://www.circuitbasics.com/how-to-connect-and-program-push-buttons-on-the-arduino/ https://roboticsbackend.com/arduino-turn-led-on-and-off-with-button/ 分享至 投诉或建议 1 0 0...
const int LED = 3; //define digital pin 3 as LED output void setup() { //Pin Configurations pinMode(LED, OUTPUT); //configure the LED pin as an Output } void loop() { //Flash a LED on and off every second digitalWrite(LED, HIGH); //Turn LED on for 1/2 a second delay(500...
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW delay(1000); // wait for a second } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 上传代码到开发板。 可以看到这个外界的LED灯也像内置的LED灯一样闪烁了。 5.优化代码 在setup函数之前增加宏定义LED_PIN ...
Turn on the LED when button is pressed, turn it off otherwise What we want to achieve is simple: when the button is not pressed, the LED is off. And when we press the button the LED should be on. The code #define LED_PIN 8 ...
Serial.println("turn on LED"); //串口显示开灯 } else if(results.value==0xFF629D) //确认接收到的第一排按键2的编码 STOP { digitalWrite(12,0); //熄灭LED Serial.println("turn off LED"); //串口显示关灯 } irrecv.resume(); // 接收下一个值 } } // //FFA25D 电源 FF629D STOP FFE...
void LEDOn(int intLedNo); // Turn Off an LED void LEDOff(int intLedNo); // C11 - Motor Related functions // Move a Single Motor // intDir: 1 or -1 // intSpeed: 0 to 255 void Move(int intMotorNo, int intDir, int intSpeed); ...
digitalWrite(13, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW delay(1000); // wait for a second } 5、IDE设置 (串口选择、开发板型号选择、编译器选择、打开、保存文件、下载) 摘自http://blog.csdn.net/testcs_dn/article/details/52565277 ...
现在你就可以通过浏览器访问你的Arduino了。页面的中的亮度数据,每秒回更新一次,还可以通过“Turn on”、“Turn off”按钮控制LED的开关。需要注意的是Arduino本身的存储空间有限,存放和输出网页信息会消耗掉很多空间,因此在以上示例程序中,尽量将client.println()输出的文本行数减少,可以节省一定的存储空间。