Timer1.initialize(500000); // initialize timer1, and set a 1/2 second period Timer1.pwm(9, 512); // setup pwm on pin 9, 50% duty cycle Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback); // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt } void loop() { } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ...
void setup() { pinMode(10, OUTPUT); Timer1.initialize(500000); // initialize timer1, and set a 1/2 second period Timer1.pwm(9, 512); // setup pwm on pin 9, 50% duty cycle Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback); // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt } void callback()...
TIMSK1 |= _BV(OCIE1A) ; // enable the output compare interrupt ...} 具体说来,官方库由于...
Interrupt 中断是其它与CPU异步进行的硬件与CPU交互的一种方法。这样我们就不用在CPU中去等待其它某些任务的完成和触发状态,由其它硬件去来触发进入CPU主进程的时机。回头看第一张大图,在图中可以找到四处(Int.Req),分别是TOVn(Timer/Counter Overflow), OCnA(Output Compare A Match), OCnB(Output Compare B Mat...
There are also many more interrupt sources that are used internally in the chip. For example there are serial port completion interrupts (data received or transmitted), timer match or timer overflow interrupts etc. These all allow efficient operation of the internal modules, while still allowing ...
When using timer overflow interrupt, the interrupt triggers after 255 counts. In compare mode, the interrupt trigger to any count value that we set! Not only that, but you can compare the timer to two values. There are two possible comparisons, A and B. For Compare A, the timer value ...
[7], i; unsigned long int time_a, time_b; int stat = 0; #include <mega128.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <delay.h> // Timer 1 overflow interrupt service routine interrupt [TIM1_OVF] void timer1_ovf_isr(void) { // Reinitialize Timer 1 value TCNT1H=0xC2F7 >> 8; TCNT1L...
5. microsPerTimerOverflow(:返回计数器溢出之前的微秒数。 7. noInterrupts(和interrupts(:分别禁用和启用所有中断。 下面是一个示例代码,演示如何使用上述定时函数来创建一个LED闪烁的定时任务: ```cpp const int ledPin = 13; int ledState = LOW; unsigned long previousMillis = 0; const long interval =...
cli(); // 禁止 Interrupt m = timer0_overflow_count; // timer0 已經 overflow 幾次 ?t ...