Timeout::periodicFastNs::rangeCompensate); #endif pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); // Initialize the LED_BUILTIN pin as an output using esp8266::polledTimeout::oneShotMs; //import the type to the local namespace //STEP1; turn the led ON ledOn(); //STEP2: wait for ON timeout ...
Serial.println("new client"); unsigned long timeout = millis() + 3000; while (!client.available() && millis() < timeout) { delay(1); } if (millis() > timeout) { Serial.println("timeout"); client.flush(); client.stop(); return; } // Read the first line of the request Stri...
}if(total>CS_Timeout_Millis)return-2;// total variable over timeout// set receive pin HIGH briefly to charge up fullynoInterrupts();// disable interrupts*rOut|=rBit;// set receive pin HIGH - turns on pullup*rReg|=rBit;// set pin to OUTPUT - pin is now HIGH AND OUTPUT*rReg&=~r...
// int timeout = millis() / 1000; // timeClient.begin(); // timeClient.setTimeOffset(7200); //while(!timeClient.update()) { //timeClient.forceUpdate(); // if((millis() / 1000) > timeout + 5){ // break; // } // } // if (timeClient.update()){ ...
fix(timer): Typo - milis instead of millis by @leandromattioli in #10193 HAL RGB LED Add ability for boards to provide a custom pixel order in neopixelWrite() by @sblantipodi in #10128 Change "neopixel" references to use RGB LED naming by @SuGlider in #10225 LEDC feat(LEDC): Adds ...
connection.setTimeout(2); t=millis(); Serial.print(t); connection.readBytes(buf, 1024); //Send say a single character from your server Serial.print(millis()-t); 👍 2 Contributor lbernstone commented Feb 11, 2020 While the choice to use seconds rather than msec is certainly debatab...
/** * 处理主题消息 * @param timeout 超时时间 */ void Adafruit_MQTT::processPackets(int16_t timeout) { uint32_t elapsed = 0, endtime, starttime = millis(); while (elapsed < (uint32_t)timeout) { // 获取主题消息内容 Adafruit_MQTT_Subscribe *sub = readSubscription(timeout - elapsed...
const char *host = "api.track.toggl.com"; const int httpsPort = 443; String datarx; //Received data as string int httpsClientTimeout = 5000; //in millis Initialization of the wi-fi connection (in setup): WiFi.mode(WIFI_OFF); delay(1000); WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); WiFi.begin(ssid,...
{ // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:收到定时器触发后置位的二值信号量后打印 计数值 if (xSemaphoreTake(timerSemaphore,0) == pdTRUE){ portENTER_CRITICAL_ISR(timerMux); Serial.println(millis());//打印系统已经运行了多少时间 Serial.println(time_count);//计数值 portEXIT_CRITICAL_...
timeout (可选):指定脉冲计数的等待时间,单位为微秒,默认值是1秒(unsigned long) 返回 脉冲长度(微秒),如果等待超时返回0(unsigned long) | 例子 intpin=7; unsignedlongduration; voidsetup() { pinMode(pin, INPUT); } … voidloop() { duration=pulseIn(pin, HIGH);; } 时间 millis() ; 描述 返回...