So, how do we control the timing without using the delay function?Using millis() for timing Become a clock-watcher!One simple technique for implementing timing is to make a schedule and keep an eye on the clock. Instead of a world-stopping delay, you just check the clock regularly so ...
// For the one we're using, its 300 ohms across the X plate TouchScreen ts = TouchScreen(...
The ArduinoJson is used to handle the exchange of JSON responses between our Arduino Data Logger and our Python backend application. On the other hand, the Adafruit library is what we use to communicate with our DHT22/DHT11 sensor. Lastly, the elpasedMillis is used for our timing of events...
ISR_NOBLOCK in millis interrupt only active for 16.5 MHz setting. Improved DigiKeboard.h and keylayouts.h. Updated examples and added warnings for CDC examples. Version to force update of all 1.7.1 changes. Version 1.7.1 - rolling version ...
While testing this Arduino core on my CH32V003, I found that using a bare CH32V003 TSSOP20 chip without external crystal requires a change of clock selection in system_ch32v00x.c. Not having the correct clock selected resulted in incorrect timing of millis() and micros(). In my test...
Using interrupts for measuring and controlling specific time periods is very different to using delay() or millis() functions ( its more accurate ) - you can setup an interval using these functions however they can not reliably setup an accurate repeatable interval because they depend on the ...
tickTime = millis() + 30; // Should check for error. rtn < 0 indicates error. int8_t rtn = oled.tickerTick(&state); // See above for definition of RTN_CHECK. if (rtn <= RTN_CHECK) { uint8_t pin = count%4; // ping-pong string selection so displayed string is not modified...
tickTime = millis() + 30; // Should check for error. rtn < 0 indicates error. int8_t rtn = oled.tickerTick(&state); // See above for definition of RTN_CHECK. if (rtn <= RTN_CHECK) { uint8_t pin = count%4; // ping-pong string selection so displayed string is not modified...
//These variables can be used for other thingsunsigned long start;//for a millis timer to cycle through the animationsint globalRed, globalGreen, globalBlue;byte messageDrawScrollArray[15];// Lets see if we can store this in ram??byte array_ASCII[128][5] = { {0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, ...