Loop()部分: 非常简单,通过调用库里的函数tick(),时刻检测按钮的动作,按钮1就用button1.tick(),如果是多按钮就用button2.tick()...buttonN.tick(),就可以了,只不过这个示例程序里,并没有给button2任何动作,所以loop里button2.tick()是多余的。 在loop()函数后面,开始完善触发事件的函数:比如触发单击(attach...
pinMode(BUTTON,INPUT); // put your setup code here, to run once: } boolean debounce(boolean last) { boolean current = digitalRead(BUTTON); if(last != current) { delay(5); current = digitalRead(BUTTON); } return current; } void loop() { currentButton = debounce(lastButton); if (la...
voidloop() {btstate= digitalRead(11); } Connect one of the button pins to pin 11 through a ~ 5 kOhm resistor, and the other pin to ground (GND). Press the button. You can now use ‘digitalWrite’ or other other functions to switch on an LED, relay, adjust PWM duty cycle (for ...
LOOP //Call 'update' for every EncoderButtoneb1.update(); Constructors Construct a rotary encoder with a button EncoderButton(byte encoderPin1, byte encoderPin2, byte switchPin); Construct a rotary encoder without a button EncoderButton(byte encoderPin1, byte encoderPin2); ...
With the ESP32, you can save data on the RTC memories. The ESP32 has 8kB SRAM on the RTC part, called RTC fast memory. The data saved here is not erased during deep sleep. However, it is erased when you press the reset button (the button labeled EN on the ESP32 board). ...
压电扬声器/蜂鸣器或任何其他 8 欧姆扬声器。 面包板 连接线 按钮 1k电阻器(可选) 了解Arduino 的Tone()函数: 在我们理解音调()的工作原理之前,我们应该知道压电蜂鸣器是如何工作的.我们可能在我们学校了解过压电晶体, 它只不过是一种将机械振动转化为电能的晶体,反之亦然.在这里,我们应用一个可变的电流(频率),...
Once everything is ready in your smartphone and the ESP32 is running the BLE server sketch, in the app, tap the scan button to scan for nearby devices. You should find an ESP32 with the name “MyESP32”.Click the “Connect” button....
AceButtonbutton(BUTTON_PIN);voidhandleEvent(AceButton*,uint8_t,uint8_t);voidsetup() {pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);pinMode(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); button.setEventHandler(handleEvent); }voidloop() { button.check(); }voidhandleEvent(AceButton*/*button*/,uint8_teventType,uint8_t/*...
// time both separately with a stopwatch app. #define motor_open_drive_time 100 // ms, change this #define motor_close_drive_time 100 // ms, change this #endif #include const byte buttonPin = 6 ; bool buttonState = LOW ;
myDFPlayer.enableLoop(); //启用循环 myDFPlayer.disableLoop(); //禁用循环 myDFPlayer.stopAdvertise(); //停止做广告 mp3Player.volume(10); //音量为10(0-30) myDFPlayer.previous(); //播放上一个的mp3 myDFPlayer.randomAll(); //随机播放所有mp3 ...