2.2 spi_flash_erase_sector—— 擦除 Flash 扇区 2.3 spi_flash_write—— 写入数据到 Flash。Flash 读写必须 4 字节对⻬齐 2.4 spi_flash_read——从 Flash 读取数据。Flash 读写必须 4 字节对⻬齐 2.5 spi_flash_set_read_func—— 注册用户自定义的 SPI Flash 读取接⼝口函数 2.6 spi_flash_er...
函数定义:SpiFlashOpResult spi_ flash_ write (uint32 des_ addr ,uint32 *srC_ addr, uint32 size) 参数:uint32 des_ addr- 写入Flash的地址,起始位置。 uint32 *src_ addr- 写入Flash的数据指针。 Uint32 size- 写入数据长度,单位: byte。 返回值:SpiFlashOpResult 3、spi_ flash_ read 功能:从Fla...
setFrequency(SPI_FREQUENCY); #else pinMode(NORFLASH_CLK_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(NORFLASH_MOSI_PIN, OUTPUT); pinMode(NORFLASH_MISO_PIN, INPUT); digitalWrite(NORFLASH_CLK_PIN, LOW); delay(1); #endif // check write enable status uint8_t data = 0; write_enable(); data = read_status(...
转贴:Arduino..arduino 读写SPI Flash 闪存芯片Arduino读写SPI Flash存储芯片 -- W25Q80/32/64/128 (W25Q32为例) - 开源Arduino - arduino
你的需求可否使用片内FLASH替代 片外外接EEPROM,编写I2C或SPI的驱动程序 综上所述,不是简单的对应...
Arduino/Moteino library for read/write access to SPI flash memory chips. This works with 256byte/page SPI flash memory such as the4MBIT W25X40CLSNIGused onMoteinofor data storage and wireless programming. For instance a 4MBit (512Kbyte) flash chip will have 2048 pages: 256*2048 = 524288 ...
Arduino SPI + SPI Flash芯片W25Q80BV W25Q80BV是台湾华邦电子(Winbond)生产的8M-bit串行flash芯片。主要特性有: 工作电压:2.5 ~ 3.6 V 功耗:读写(active)时4mA,低功耗(power-down)时<1μA 容量:8M-bit/1M-byte,包含4096个页(每页大小256字节)
Arduino SPI + SPI Flash芯片W25Q80BV W25Q80BV是台湾华邦电子(Winbond)生产的8M-bit串行flash芯片。主要特性有: 工作电压:2.5 ~ 3.6 V 功耗:读写(active)时4mA,低功耗(power-down)时<1μA 容量:8M-bit/1M-byte,包含4096个页(每页大小256字节)
SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE0); SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); Serial.begin(9600); ReadID(); EraseChip(); WritePage(0x1234, str, sizeof(str)); } void loop() { ReadPage(0x1234, pageBuffer, sizeof(str)); for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(str); i++) ...
I had include thehttps://github.com/espressif/arduino-es ... pi_flash.hinto my program and use the esp_rom_spiflash_write(uint32_t dest_addr, const uint32_t *src, int32_t len); and esp_rom_spiflash_read(uint32_t src_addr, uint32_t *dest, int32_t len); to do write an ...