Serial.begin(9600);//定义初始串口波特率为9600 pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);//定义buttonPin也就是前面定义的针脚3为input输入针脚 } void loop() { // ... } 1.2 loop() 在setup() 函数中初始化和定义了变量,然后执行 loop() 函数。顾名思义,该函数在程序运行过程中不断的循环,根据一些反馈,相应改变...
25.1.3 Serial.begin() 25.1.4 Serial.end() 25.1.5 Serial.find() 25.1.6 Serial.findUntil() 25.1.7 Serial.flush() 25.1.8 Serial.parseFloat() 25.1.9 Serial.parseInt() 25.1.10 Serial.peek() 25.1.11 Serial.print() 25.1.12 Serial.println() 25.1.13 25.1.14 Serial.readByte...
max serial objects sends data to arduino as ascii bytes. if you simply input integer into serial object, it will become decimal code for the ascii char. 120 in you dummy example would be letter x. you must insert atoi object between data you want to send and serial object. ...
此处用了光敏电阻加继电器: /* LDR Relay Demo arduino-ldr-relay.ino Uses LDR to drive relay module in low light Relay module is active LOW DroneBot Workshop 2020 */ //Integers for LDR input pin and value int ldrPin = A0; int ldrValue = 0; // Integer f...
(9600);// make the pins outputs:pinMode(redPin,OUTPUT);pinMode(greenPin,OUTPUT);pinMode(bluePin,OUTPUT);}voidloop(){// if there's any serial available, read it:while(Serial.available()>0){// look for the next valid integer in the incoming serial stream:intred=Serial.parseInt();//...
If you want to connect the Arduino to another device using serial communication, you also have to use these two pins. Sending inputs to the computer Open example serialButton, and upload it. The breadboard configuration is the same as in the previous step. Then open the serial monitor: Tool...
unsigned long Len_Integer = 0; unsigned int Len_Fraction = 0; void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(EchoPin, INPUT); pinMode(TrigPin, OUTPUT); } void loop(){ digitalWrite(TrigPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(50); digitalWrite(TrigPin, LOW); ...
arduno语法手册 Arduino的程序可以分为三个主要部分:结构变量变量和常量和函数。 欢迎下载 结构部分 一结构 1.1 setup 1.2 loop 二结构控制 2.1 if 2.2 if.else 2.3 for 2.4交换机c
Serial.pritln("cial"); } 程式的注释就是对代码的解释和说明,编写注释有助于程式设计师(或其他人)了解代码的功能。 Arduino处理器在对程式码进行编译时会忽略注释的部份。 Arduino 语言中的编写注释有两种方式 //单行注释:这整行的文字会被处理器忽略 ...
unsigned long Len_Integer = 0; unsigned int Len_Fraction = 0; void setup(){ Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(EchoPin, INPUT); pinMode(TrigPin, OUTPUT); } void loop(){ digitalWrite(TrigPin, HIGH); delayMicroseconds(50); digitalWrite(TrigPin, LOW); ...