#include <ESP8266WiFi.h> #include <PubSubClient.h> #include <Wire.h> #include <SparkFunBME280.h> BME280 atmosSensor; String tStr; String pStr; String hStr; char tArr[4]; char pArr[4]; char hArr[4]; void setup() { Setup wifi, mqtt, etc. } void loop() { float tempReading ...
dtostrf(tem,1,2,msg);//将float转为char的数组msg,其中第三个传入值(2)是保留的位数(2位) client.publish("temperature", msg);//发送数据,其中temperature是发出去的topic(不清楚请百度mqtt) snprintf (msg, 75, "%d", settem);//将int类型的settem转为char的数组. client.publish("backa", msg);...
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27,16,4); //蓝牙模块 #include <SoftwareSerial.h> // Pin10为RX,接HC05的TXD // Pin11为TX,接HC05的RXD SoftwareSerial BT(10, 11); /*---变量设置*---*/ int lock= 7;//电磁锁 float read_val;//读取数据 char c_length[10]; char temp[] = "T"; String c...
本例程实现了以下功能: 通过SIM800L连接网络 连接阿里IOT平台() 调用SHT20的库采集温湿度 将温湿度信息以及LBS定位信息上传至IOT 与阿里云IOT平台进行对时 每5分钟采集一次, 采集完成就休眠 #include<Arduino.h>#include"PubSubClient.h"#include"aliyun_mqtt.h"#include"ArduinoJson.h"#include"uFire_SHT20.h...
简单来说,Windows Remote Arduino是一个开源的Windows运行时组件,通过它,我们可以使用蓝牙、USB、WiFi...
const char * device = “\\...设置RTU回应包的基本数据,这些数据的格式是一样的,比如req[0]是从设备地址,req[1]是功能码 prepare_response_tid 生产传输标识TID,在TCP中使用 send_msg_pre 44910 Modbus RTU通信无校验位时停止位个数的设置 Modbus RTU通信无校验位时停止位是否默认两位 1.1 Modbus...
Then, create a structure that contains the data we want to send. The struct_message contains the board ID, temperature reading, humidity reading, and the reading ID.typedef struct struct_message { int id; float temp; float hum; int readingId; } struct_message;...
() to issue a global temperature and Requests to all devices on the bussensors.requestTemperatures();floattempF=sensors.getTempFByIndex(0);if(int(tempF)==-196){Serial.println("Failed to read from DS18B20 sensor");return"--";}else{Serial.print("Temperature Fahrenheit: ");Serial.println(...
#define MQTT_SERVER "" #define MQTT_PORT 2375 #define MQTT_USRNAME "mqttt" #define CLIENT_ID "ESP8266|securemode=3,timestamp=1234567890,signmethod=hmacsha1|" // 算法工具: http://iot-face.oss-cn-shanghai.aliyuncs.com/tools.htm 进行加密生成password ...
i have integrate lua on esp32 project for user scripting ... now when user event occur on mqtt or rf loop... few moments its getting restart...after that work ok then again restart... i used vtaskdelay() and yield() function ...now still the same problem IQ3...