10.1 HIGH|LOW(引脚电压定义) 10.2 INPUT|OUTPUT(数字引脚(Digital pins)定义) 10.3 true|false(逻辑层定义) 10.4 integerconstants(整数常量) 10.5 floating point constants(浮点常量) 十一、数据类型 11.1 void 11.2 boolean(布尔) 11.3 char(有号数据类型) 11.4 unsignedchar(无符号数据类型) 11.5 byte(无符号...
10.1 HIGH|LOW(引脚电压定义) 10.2 INPUT|OUTPUT(数字引脚(Digital pins)定义) 10.3 true | false(逻辑层定义) 10.4 integer constants(整数常量) 10.5 floating point constants(浮点常量) 十一、数据类型 11.1 void 11.2 boolean(布尔) 11.3 char(有号数据类型) 11.4 unsigned char(无符号数据类型) 11.5 byte(...
#define LOG_OUTPUT // Uncomment to enable logarithmic output (exchanges absolute resoluton for more readable output; may require different below params) #define SAMPLING_FREQUENCY 15000 // Sampling frequency (Actual max measured frequency captured is half) #define TIME_FACTOR 2 // Smoothing factor ...
High Power Conversion:300W max power conversion capability, ideal for LED drivers and other high-power applications. Step Up High Water 3|What Are Dc Dc Converter|High Output Current:Max output current of 9A ensures efficient power delivery for high-demand applications. ...
High Output Current:Delivers a steady 2A, ensuring reliable performance for your electronic devices. Step Up 4 Where To Watch|High Output Voltage:Boosts voltage up to 28V, perfect for power-hungry projects like Arduino. Customizable Design:Offers a tailored solution with is_customized feature, cate...
As I continued to reach the end of my knob (reached 100% - max duty cycle) I got 0W of power, almost 0 volts and 9A of current at the input. Weird right? High current but almost no power! Okay, now that we have 0W of power while the knob is turned all the way up, I ...
longran (max) 随机数函数,返回数据大于等于 0,小于max。 longran (min,max) 随机数函数,返回数据大于 等于min,小于max。 外部中断函数 attachInterrupt(interrupt, , mode) 外部中断只能 用到数字IO 口2 和3,interrupt 表示中断口初始0 或 1,表示一个功能函数,mode:LOW 低电平中断, CHANGE 有变化就中断,...
#define SPEED_MAX 130 ArduinoNunchuk nunchuk = ArduinoNunchuk(); int escOutputValue = ESC_ZERO; float currentOutputValue = ESC_ZERO; int resetCounter = 0; Servo ESC; void setup() { ESC.attach(9); Serial.begin(BAUDRATE); nunchuk.init(); ...
// Serial buffer size: calculate based on max input size expected for one command #define INPUT_SIZE 30 void loop() { // Get next command from serial bluetooth (add 1 byte for final 0) char input[INPUT_SIZE + 1]; // array of type char (C-string) ...
at startup the ESP prints out the current boot mode example:rst cause:2, boot mode:(3,6) note: - GPIO2 is used as TX output and the internal Pullup is enabled on boot.rst causeNumberDescription 0 unknown 1 normal boot 2 reset pin 3 software reset 4 watchdog reset...