#include <ESP8266TimerInterrupt.h> //需要加载Esp8266TimerInterrupt库,by Khoi Hoang #include <ESP8266_ISR_Timer.h> #include <ESP8266_ISR_Timer.hpp> #define USING_TIM_DIV1 true // for shortest and most accurate timer #define USING_TIM_DIV16 false // for medium time and medium accurate t...
Timer1.initialize(500000); // initialize timer1, and set a 1/2 second period Timer1.pwm(9, 512); // setup pwm on pin 9, 50% duty cycle Timer1.attachInterrupt(callback); // attaches callback() as a timer overflow interrupt } void loop() { } 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ...
//os_timer_t *ptimer:定时器结构体 //os_timer_func_t *pfunction:定时回调函数 //void *parg:回调函数的参数 1. 2. 3. 4. 3.使能毫秒定时器: void os_timer_arm(os_timer_t *ptimer, uint32_t milliseconds, bool repeat_flag) //os_timer_t *ptimer:定时器结构体 //uint32_t milliseconds:...
void setupInterrupt(){ timer = timerBegin(0, 80, true); // 使用定时器0,预分频器为80,计数...
Arduino、ESP8266与NodeMCU1. ArduinoArduino是一款便捷灵活、方便上手的开源电子原型平台。包含硬件(各种型号的Arduino板)和软件(ArduinoIDE)。硬件软件2. ESP8266ESP8266是一款芯片,集成了WiFi模块。常见搭载于Wemos D1 R1、Wemos D1 R3 Uno、D1 mini、Wifiduino、ESPduino、WiFinfo等开发板。3. NodeMCUNodeMCU是一...
The above information is not solid. The ESP8266 is a poorly documented system at this point. It will get better. We will update this as more information becomes available. Update November 13, 2015: We now have found out that the use of the os_timer set to a 2ms interrupt will cause ...
Timer interrupts Arduino Hardware interrupt LED Fade Attiny Adding an MCP23017 16 port IO expander to Arduino or ESP8266 or Attiny85 or… Solar powering an attiny/arduino with a capacitor or just an AA battery: Part 2 Solar powering an attiny/arduino with a capacitor or just an AA battery:...
Got a Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (Interrupt wdt timeout on CPU1) after 4 minutes. Any suggestions or other help? Code: Select all / // initialize timer // ESP8266 os_timer_t secTimer; void timerDisplayTime(void *pArg) { displayTime(); } ESP32 void IRAM_ATTR reset...
Why do we need this TimerInterrupt_Generic libraryFeaturesThis library enables you to use Interrupt from Hardware Timers on supported Arduino boards such as AVR, Mega-AVR, ESP8266, ESP32, SAMD, SAM DUE, nRF52, STM32F/L/H/G/WB/MP1, Teensy, Nano-33-BLE, etc....
// I've measured that the ESP8266 needs around 460 ms to go to light sleep. // So I assume that the delay has to be at least 460ms. esp_delay(time_ms+1, [](){ return wifi_sleeping; }); } // this function is called by the wake up callback interrupt. Do not call it your...