【乐鑫全球开发者大会】DevCon23 #8 |使用 Eclipse 4diac™ 框架将 ESP32 作为可编程逻辑控制器 (PLC):logiBUS® 项目 22:55 【乐鑫全球开发者大会】DevCon23 #9 |如何将 ESP-Mesh-Lite 方案与 ESP RainMaker 云结合,在实际应用场景中工作 24:46 【乐鑫全球开发者大会】DevCon23 #10 |在 ESP32...
ble mesh组网物联网wifi模块esp32-c3/c6/s3芯片模组LCD 屏幕驱动乐鑫esp32官方代理商:HMI 智能屏解决方案 216 -- 24:02 App matter thread灯无线WiFi模块乐鑫大中华区代理商飞睿科技:使用ESP32和TensorFlow Lite构建自己的Alexa 103 -- 18:33 App 智能家电wifi模组可视⻔铃ESP32-S3芯片模块智能屏方案板级支持...
Add to Cart, Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board (pre-soldered) $20.95 In stock Grove Shield FeatherWing for Particle Mesh and all Feathers Product ID: 4309 The Grove Shield FeatherWing for Particle Mesh and all Feathers is an add-under for any Particle Mesh or Feather board, so...
首先,SeeeduinoCloud用的是Arduino IDE;Orange Pi Lite默认烧写运行的是Ubuntu系统,需要Linux环境的开发机。...Grove接口扩展板和其他的各种传感器,是设计给SeeeduinoCloud用的;而摄像头,是设计给Orange Pi Lite用的。所以,这两部分硬件的概要图是这个样子的。 ? ? ...硬件连接与初始设置 将开发套件中的Seeeduino...
ESP32 Arduino Projects List:The ESP32 is a development board that combines Wi-Fi and Bluetooth wireless capabilities, and it's dual core.
...运行 TensorFlow Lite Micro 的 Arduino BLE 33 Nano Sense Tiny ML 的理念是在设备上用较少的资源(更小巧的外形、更少的能耗和更低成本的芯片)完成更多的工作...您需要具备的条件 Arduino BLE 33 Nano Sense 一根 Micro USB 线 装有 Web 浏览器的桌面设备/笔记本电脑 几个具有不同颜色的对象 Ard...
Bluetooth Mesh The Classic Bluetooth does not have the feature of Bluetooth mesh; therefore, it can not create a large cell network of devices, which is an important feature of BLE. Get Instant Online Quote Basic Concepts in BLE Connection with ESP32 ...
If you want to install the ESP32 boards on the “classic” Arduino IDE, follow the next tutorial instead:Installing the ESP32 Board in Arduino IDE (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux) If you prefer programming the ESP32 using VS Code + PlatformIO, go to the following tutorial: ...
Learn how to use ESP-NOW to exchange data between ESP32 boards programmed with Arduino IDE. ESP-NOW is a connectionless communication protocol developed by Espressif that features short packet transmission. This protocol enables multiple devices to talk to each other in an easy way. We have other...