2、数字输入上拉 DigitalInputPullup - 输出上拉串口 InputPullupSerial This example demonstrates the use of INPUT_PULLUP with pinMode(). It monitors the state of a switch by establishingserial communicationbetween your Arduino and your computer over USB. 本例演示如何使用 pinMode 和 INPUT_PULLUP。
digital input 数字电路 按键 分类:Arduino 今天我们借助一个按键开关来聊一下有关Arduino“数字写入”的问题,众所周知开关就是可以控制某段电路断开或接通的元件,但是怎么能通过一个按键开关控制Arduino某一数字接口的电位呢?让我们来用按键连接一个正逻辑电路(如下图),10K电阻接地,按键开关连接+5V,公共端与Arduino...
ReadAnalogVoltage, 该demo中出现float类型的变量,死循环函数可以直接用while(1);,或者while(1){},float类型在arduino语言中,只要有一个变量为小数,即可如,5.2/1023.0或者5.2/1023,或者5./1023等等都可以,经测试输出结果保留小数点后两位。 digital blinkwithoutdelay 该实例表示的是不用delay函数,实现led的一亮一...
IDE, select File, then Sample, Digital, DigitallnputPullup. If you upload this program to the Arduino board, you can see that there is always a pull-up resistor in the previous example, but in this demo, the pull-up resistor is not present because this demonstration is by input pull-...
input voltage (limits) 6-20v digital i/o pins 54 (of which 15 provide pwm output) analog input pins 16 dc current per i/o pin 40 ma dc current for 3.3v pin 50 ma flash memory 256 kb of which 8 kb used by bootloader sram 8 kb eeprom 4 kb clock speed 16mhz 本产...
digitalPotWrite(i) ; delay(10) ; x = analogRead(A0) ; Voltage = (x * 5.0 )/ 1024.0 ; // this converts the analog value to corresponding voltage level Serial.print(“Level i = ” ) ; // these serial commands print value of i or ...
loop() : loop()函数循环执行,直到按下reset键或者移除电源。 2、Blink.ino中用到的几个函数: ① pinMode(pin,mode) : 将指定的引脚配置为输入或输出 - pin : 所需要设置的引脚号 - mode : INPUT/OUTPUT(pinMode也可以是INPUT_PULLUP,使用引脚内置的上拉电阻) ...
keyDigital1.begin(INPUT_PULLUP); //设置开关引脚为输入状态Wire.begin();attachInterrupt(digitalPinT spowwjawyf 默默无闻 1 attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(PIN_Key), handleInterrupt, RISING);display.setBrightness(255);//display.setLedBrightness(x, y, random(0, 255));//设置指定灯颜色for (...