Next, initialize digital pin 2 as an input with the internal pull-up resistor enabled: 接着初始化数字针 2 作为输入,并启用内部上拉电阻: pinMode(2,INPUT_PULLUP); The following line make pin 13, with the onboard LED, an output : 接下来的代码行使针脚 13 作为输出,其连接了板载 LED: pinM...
digital input on pin 2 and prints the results to the serial monitor. The circuit: * Momentary switch attached from pin 2 to ground * Built-in LED on pin 13 Unlike pinMode(INPUT), there is no pull-down resistor necessary. An internal 20K-ohm resistor is pulled to 5V. This configuration...
玩单片机呢,大家玩的就是IO口,也就是引脚!这些引脚具备输入(Input)和输出(Output)两种形态,所以被称为IO口。 玩电子的呢,大家经常听到的就是数电模电,而单片机的引脚呢,也分为数字(digital)和模拟(analog)两种。 玩单片机的话,ADC和DAC两个名词,是跳不掉的!ADC,Analog Digital Chang...
If the pin has been configured as an OUTPUT with pinMode(), its voltage will be set to the corresponding value: 5V (or 3.3V on 3.3V boards) for HIGH, 0V (ground) for LOW. 如果引脚被设置为INPUT,digitalWrite()会激活输入引脚的上拉电阻。
This article describes my version of digital input/output functions for Arduino, which work faster than the 'built-in' functions while remaining as easy to use and portable as the original ones. If you just want to try the new functions, feel free to go directly to "Usin...
digitalinputpullup pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP);数字引脚上拉,不用再接上拉下拉电阻和电源, Statechangedetection状态变换检测,if (buttonState != lastButtonState) {},lastButtonState = buttonState;这次与上次比较。取余符号为%。 tonekeyboard tone(pin, frequency, duration),tone(pin, frequency),间隔单位us...
D2 ---> DO (Digital Output, 可选) 示例代码 constintanalogPin = A0;// 声音传感器模块的模拟信号引脚连接到A0constintdigitalPin =2;// 声音传感器模块的数字信号引脚连接到D2(可选)voidsetup(){pinMode(digitalPin, INPUT);// 设置数字引脚为输入(可选)Serial.begin(9600);// 启动串口通信}voidloop...
intledPin=9;// LED connected to digital pin 9intanalogPin=3;// potentiometer connected to analog pin 3intval=0;// variable to store the read valuevoidsetup(){pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT);// sets the pin as output}voidloop(){val=analogRead(analogPin);// read the input pinanalogWrite(ledPin...