This example demonstrates the use of pinMode(INPUT_PULLUP). It reads a digital input on pin 2 and prints the results to the Serial Monitor. 本例演示如何使用 pinMode(INPUT_PULLUP)。从数字针脚 2 读取输入并将结果打印到串口监视器。 The circuit: 电路连接 - momentary switch attached from pin ...
Input Pullup Serial This example demonstrates the use of pinMode(INPUT_PULLUP). It reads a digital input on pin 2 and prints the results to the serial monitor. The circuit: * Momentary switch attached from pin 2 to ground * Built-in LED on pin 13 Unlike pinMode(INPUT), there is no ...
digital input 数字电路 按键 分类:Arduino 今天我们借助一个按键开关来聊一下有关Arduino“数字写入”的问题,众所周知开关就是可以控制某段电路断开或接通的元件,但是怎么能通过一个按键开关控制Arduino某一数字接口的电位呢?让我们来用按键连接一个正逻辑电路(如下图),10K电阻接地,按键开关连接+5V,公共端与Arduino...
State change detection (edge detection) Often, you don't need to know the state of a digital input all the time, but you just need to know when the input changes from one state to another. For example, you want to know when a button goes from OFF to ON. This is called state chang...
This example code is in the public domain. */ // the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board void setup() { // initialize digital pin LED_BUILTIN as an output. ...
// digital pin 2 has a pushbutton attached to it. Give it a name:intpushButton=2;// the setup routine runs once when you press reset:voidsetup(){// initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:Serial.begin(9600);// make the pushbutton's pin an input:pinMode(pushButton,I...
Debounce - 读取一个按钮,并滤掉噪音 DigitalInputPullup - 示范怎么用pinMode()来上拉引脚 StateChangeDetection - 记录按键按下的次数 toneKeyboard - 一个用压力传感器和压电扬声器的三键音乐键盘 toneMelody - 用压电扬声器弹奏一段旋律 toneMultiple - 用tone()命令在多个扬声器上发音...
multiple simulation pins on the Arduino board (usually marked as A0-A5), which can be used to read analog signals.以下是一个简单的Arduino示例,演示如何使用模拟引脚读取来自某个传感器的输入:The following is a simple Arduino example. Demonstration of how to use analog pins to read the input ...
program for testing all the inputs You will find instructions on use of these examples directly in the source code in comments. Reference GPIO_pin_t- data type used for digital pins. The name of a pin isDP + pin number. For example, the digital pin 13, where LED is...
This example code is in the public domain.此代码示例位于公共域中。 sensorPin = A0; // select the input pin for the potentiometer 选择电位器的输入针脚 int ledPin = 13; // select the pin for the LED 选择 LED 针脚 int sensorValue = 0; // ...