/*Analog InputDemonstrates analog input by reading an analog sensor on analog pin 0 andturning on and off a light emittingdiode(LED) connected to digital pin 13.The amount of time the LED will be on and off depends on the value obtainedby analogRead().The circuit:- potentiometercenter pin ...
int sensorPin = A0; // select the input pin for the potentiometer int ledPin = 13; // select the pin for the LED int sensorValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor void setup() { // declare the ledPin as an OUTPUT: pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); } void l...
// PIN No. for Input PIN 1 int gintInput1PIN = 0; // PIN No. for Input PIN 2 int gintInput2PIN = 0; // Initialize a Motor void Init(String strMotorType, bool bolVSpeed, int intDir, int intInput1PIN, int intInput2PIN); // Move a Motor void Move(int intDir, int intSpeed...
将以下代码上传到您的ArduinoUNO: // Define thepins usedintmicPin =2;intledPin =3;// Variables forholding the mic value and led stateintmicValue;intledStatevoidsetup(){ pinMode(micPin, INPUT);// Configures the sound sensor pin as inputpinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);// Configures the LED pin ...
void setup(){//initialize digital pin LED_BUILTINasan output.pinMode(LED_BUILTIN,OUTPUT);Serial.begin(57600);while(!Serial);Serial.println("starting");Serial.flush();}//the loop function runs overandover again forever void loop(){Serial.println("a");Serial.flush();digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN...
#define BUZZER_PIN A0//无源蜂鸣器接A0 voidsetup() { pinMode(BUZZER_PIN, OUTPUT);//设置A0为输出 } voidloop() { for(inti = 200; i <= 800; i++)// 200HZ ~ 800HZ { tone(BUZZER_PIN, i); } delay(1000);//最大频率保持1s ...
5461AS四位共阴数码管,Arduinouno,220欧电阻四个,线若干 3) 连接: 限流电阻(4个)串联在阴极。A1,A2,A3,A4用于选择显示哪个字符,也是阴极。 4) 代码 #defined_a 2#defined_b 3#defined_c 4#defined_d 5#defined_e 6#defined_f 7#defined_g 8#defined_h 9#defineCOM1 10#defineCOM2 11#defineCOM3...
pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT);//DefineLEDastheoutputunit pinMode(sensorPin,INPUT);//Definesensorastheinputunit 在loop()函数里写入digitalRead()函数数字引脚处电压值。 sensorState=digitalRead(sensorPin); 函数格式如下: digitalRead(pin) 这个函数是用来数字引脚出的状态,即“或者“低电平”。当红外热释电传感器检...
Hi, First off I want to thankyou for incorporating the ESP into the Arduino IDE! I have a www.doit.am esp12e devkit module with the motor shield board. it programs fine with the Arduino IDE. Board esp12e, 80mhz etc So I tested it with th...
i#defineledPin=3/t 27、hisisalsoanerrorinclude#include包含#include用于在你的sketch中包含外部的库。这使程序员可以访问一个巨大的标准C库(预定义函数集合)的集合.AVRC库(AVR是Atmel芯片的一个基准,Arduino正是基于它)的主参考手册页在这里。注意#include和#define相似,没有分号终止符,且如果你加了,编译器...