AnalogInOutSerial- Read an analog input pin, map the result, and then use that data to dim or brighten an LED. AnalogWriteMega- Fade 12 LEDs on and off, one by one, using an Arduino Mega board. Calibration- Define a maximum and minimum for expected analog sensor values. Fading- Use a...
所以是一个三键电子琴? 其中用了个头文件"pitches.h"里面是一系列#define,应该是音调(NOTE_A4是某个音调么?)和频率的对应关系。然后用了一个 tone(引脚,频率,持续时间)的方法输出方波信号。 toneMelody 在大循环外面按照数组noteDurations的持续时间输出输出melody中的方波,自动播放一次旋律。和上面的一样,用了"p...
最后未处理值和已换算值都发送到Arduino IDE软件的串口监视窗口里。 // These constants won't change. They're used to give names to the pins used:constintanalogInPin=A0;// Analog input pin that the potentiometer is attached toconstintanalogOutPin=9;// Analog output pin that the LED is attach...
//Email: heqichen(a) #define inputPin1 A8 #define inputPin2 A9 #define motorPin1 5 #define motorPin2 6 Servo motor1; Servo motor2; void setup() { motor1.attach(motorPin1); motor2.attach(motorPin2); motor1.write(motorSpeedTransfer(0)); motor2.write(motorSpeedTransfer(...
Analog Input: Use a potentiometer to control the blinking of an LED. Analog Write Mega: Fade 12 LEDs on and off, one by one, using an Arduino Mega board. Calibration: Define a maximum and minimum for expected analog sensor values. Fading: Use an analog output (PWM pin) to fade an LED...
#defineMQ2pin (0)floatsensorValue;//定义变量 在设置功能中:我们初始化与PC的串行通信,并等待20秒以允许传感器预热。 Serial.begin(9600);//sets the serial port to 9600Serial.println("Gas sensor warming up!"); delay(20000);//allow the MQ-6 to warm up ...
#define LED 2 WiFiServer server(80); void smartConfig() { WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); Serial.println("\r\nWait for Smartconfig"); WiFi.beginSmartConfig(); while (1) { Serial.print("."); digitalWrite(LED, 0); delay(500); digitalWrite(LED, 1); delay(500); if (WiFi.smartConfigDone()) {...
#define SYS_VOLTAGE 5000// ADC参考电压 /* I/O define */ constintiled=3;//drive the led of sensor constintvout=0;//analog input /* variable */ floatdensity,voltage; intadcvalue; /* private function */ intFilter(intm) { staticintflag_first=0,_buff[10],sum; ...
//使用于通用的Arduino的引脚模式定义typedefenum{INPUT=0x0,OUTPUT=0x1,INPUT_PULLUP=0x2,INPUT_PULLDOWN=0x3,}PinMode;//RPI Pico的引脚模式定义/* Define mock symbols to nullify PinMode definitions */#define PullNone TempPullNone#define PullUp TempPullUp#define PullDown TempPullDown#define OpenDra...
3.5 #define 3.6 #include 四、算数运算符 4.1=(赋值运算符) 4.2+(加) 4.3-(减) 4.4*(乘) 4.5/ (除) 4.6%(模) 五、比较运算符 5.1==(等于) 5.2!=(不等于) 5.3 <(小于) 5.4 >(大于) 5.5 <=(小于等于) 5.6 >=(大于等于) 六、布尔运算符 ...