默认情况下, 模拟输入精度为10位, 和其他型号的 Arduino 控制器一样。通过analogReadResolution()你可以改变ADC的采样精度. Due的 analog inputs引脚测量范围为 0 至 3.3V。如果测量高于3.3V电压,可能会烧坏 SAM3X。analogReference() 函数在Due上是无效的. AREF 引脚通过一个电阻桥接到 SAM3X 模拟参考脚. 如果要...
Arduino Due 是一块基于 Atmel SAM3X8E CPU的微控制器板.它是第一块基于 32位ARM核心的arduino. 它有54个数字IO口 (其中12个可用于PWM输出),12个模拟输入口,4路UART硬件串口, 84 MHz的时钟频率, 一个USB OTG接口, 两路DAC(模数转换),两路TWI,一个电源插座,一个SPI接口,一个JTAG接口,一个复位按键和一...
The Arduino Due is a microcontroller board based on the Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 CPU (datasheet). It is the first Arduino board based on a 32-bit ARM core microcontroller. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 12 can be used as PWM outputs), 12 analog inputs, 4 UARTs...
The Due has two usb connectors, the one with the micro-usb AB connector is the native one capable to act as an USB host, that means you can connect compatible external usb peripherals to the board, such as mouse, keyboards, smartphones. While the other USB port with the type B connecto...
The Arduino Due is a microcontroller board based on the Atmel SAM3X8E ARM Cortex-M3 CPU. It is the first Arduino board based on a 32-bit ARM core microcontroller. It has 54 digital input/output pins (of which 12 can be used as PWM outputs), 12 analog inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware ser...
Arduino Due有12路模拟输入端, 每一路都有12位精度(0-4095)。默认情况下, 模拟输入精度为10位, 和其他型号的 Arduino 控制器一样。通过analogReadResolution()你可以改变ADC的采样精度. Due的 analog inputs引脚测量范围为 0 至 3.3V。如果测量高于3.3V电压,可能会烧坏 SAM3X。analogReference() 函数在Due上是...
4. **Arduino Due:** - **功能和作用:** 基于ARM Cortex-M3架构,具有更高的性能和更多的内存。适用于需要更高性能的项目,如音频处理和复杂控制系统。 5. **Arduino Leonardo:** - **功能和作用:** 具有内置的USB通信和模拟输入的功能,适合需要模拟鼠标或键盘的项目。常用于交互性和模拟输入的应用。
《Arduino开源硬件概论》是2019年清华大学出版社出版的一本图书,作者是李永华。图书简介 内容简介 本书在“大众创业,万众创新”的时代背景下,结合当前高等院校创新实践课程,总结基于Arduino开源硬件的开发方法,并给出系统开发Arduino智能硬件产品的实际案例。其主要内容包括四个方面: Arduino开源硬件与Arduino开发板、...
Analog Inputs: pins from A0 to A11 The Due has 12 analog inputs, each of which can provide 12 bits of resolution (i.e. 4096 different values). By default, the resolution of the readings is set at 10 bits, for compatibility with other Arduino boards. It is possible to change the res...