const char *msg = "Welcome to the Workshop!";rf_driver.send((uint8_t *)msg, strlen(msg))...
uint8_t m = 24; void loop(void) { char m_str[3]; strcpy(m_str, u8x8_u8toa(m, 2)); /* convert m to a string with two digits */ u8g2.firstPage(); do { u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_logisoso62_tn); u8g2.drawStr(0, 63, "6"); u8g2.drawStr(33, 63, ":"); u8g2...
uint8_t m = 24; void loop(void) { char m_str[3]; strcpy(m_str, u8x8_u8toa(m, 2)); /* convert m to a string with two digits */ u8g2.firstPage(); do { u8g2.setFont(u8g2_font_logisoso62_tn); u8g2.drawStr(0, 63, "6"); u8g2.drawStr(33, 63, ":"); u8g2...
sketch_sep28a:29: error: cannot convert 'String' to 'int' in assignment time=comdata,toTnt(); ^sketch_sep28a:29: error: 'toTnt' was not declared in this scope time=comdata,toTnt(); ^sketch_sep28a:30: error: 'ture' was not declared in this scope flag=ture; ^sketch_sep28a:42:...
pulse *= 1000000; // convert input seconds to us pulse /= pulselength; Serial.println(pulse); pwm.setPWM(n, 0, pulse); } void loop() { // Drive each servo one at a time using setPWM() Serial.println(servonum); for (uint16_t pulselen = SERVOMIN; pulselen < SERVOMAX; pulse...
updated to Arduino 1.0 John Hubert Feb 7, 2012 Released into the public domain.*/ #include <...
/*TEST autogain code*/ constintsampleWindow = 50;// Sample window width in mS (50 mS = 20Hz) unsignedintsample; uint8_t volume = 0; /*///*/ //long deltas[3] = { 5, 6, 7 }; longrgb[3];
- Changed last uint8_t to uint_fast8_t and uint16_t to unsigned integer. - Improved MagiQuest protocol. - Improved prints and documentation. ## 3.6.1 - Switched Bose internal protocol timing for 0 and 1 -> old 1 timing is now 0 and vice versa. Expand Down 4 changes: 4 additions...
uint8_t *buff; uint8_t bytesToRead = min(32, jpglen); buff = cam.readPicture(bytesToRead); // Write the image data to the file imgFile.write(buff, bytesToRead); jpglen -= bytesToRead; } // Safely close the file imgFile.close(); ...