Serial.println(code); //读取键盘输入并输出到串口显示}}将以上代码编译并下载到arduino,然后打开一个串口调试器,按下键盘上的任一个键(功能键除外),串口中都会有输出. 吊丝逆袭HAPPY 闻名一方 11 #define BREAK 0x01#define MODIFIER 0x02#define SHIFT_L 0x04#define SHIFT_R 0x08#define ALTGR 0x10#...
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); } // loop 中每次都检查按钮,如果按钮被按下,就发送信息到串口 voidloop() { if(digitalRead(buttonPin)HIGH) serialWrite(‘H’); else serialWrite(‘L’); delay(1000); }2 2.1 if 二、结构控制 if(条件判断语句)和、!=、<、>(比较运算符) if 语句与比较运算符一起...
* Added more serial monitor ideas from [John Lonergan](microsoft#463 … 984e2e4 the design of Serial Monitor is different from Arduino IDE, and we support the same behavor in serial monitor. maybe user don't know how to use serial monitor in extension, here are some steps: ...
Arduino板上有多个模拟引脚(通常标记为A0-A5),可以用来读取模拟信号。In Arduino, analog input usually refers to the voltage value from the sensor, buttons, or other analog device through the analog pins of Arduino. There are multiple simulation pins on the Arduino board (usually marked as A0-A5...
println("C"); Serial.println(""); } void DHT11() { RH_H=0,RH_L=0,T_H=0,T_L=0,sum=0,check=0; pinMode(data,OUTPUT); //设置IO口为输出模式 digitalWrite(data,1); //设置IO口输出高电平 delay(10); //延时10毫秒 digitalWrite(data,0); //设置IO口输出...
Serial.println (master_volume); for(inti = 1; i < 8; i++) { noise_fact_adj[i] = noise_fact[i] * master_volume; } ADMUX = 0x40 | (0 & 0x07);// set admux back to look at A0 analog pin (to read the microphone input ...
// check to see if you just pressed the button // (i.e. the input went from LOW to HIGH), and you've waited long enough // since the last press to ignore any noise: // If the switch changed, due to noise or pressing:
Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(TrigPin, OUTPUT); // 要检测引脚上输入的脉冲宽度,需要先设置为输入状态 pinMode(EchoPin, INPUT); Serial.println("Ultrasonic sensor:"); } void loop() { // 产生一个10us的高脉冲去触发TrigPin digitalWrite(TrigPin, LOW); delayMicroseconds(2); digitalWrite(TrigPin, ...
//AirLink modebreak;default:break;}}voidsetup(){// put your setup code here, to run once:Serial.begin(9600);pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT);// sets the digital pin as outputpinMode(myledPin,OUTPUT);// sets the digital pin as outputpinMode(KEY1,INPUT_PULLUP);pinMode(KEY2,INPUT_PULLUP);my...
Figure 4-3 shows the Serial Plotter. Serial Plotter Your sketch must call the Serial.begin() function before it can use serial input or output. The function takes a single parameter: the desired communication speed. You must use the same speed for the sending side and the receiving side, ...