pinMode(Button2, INPUT_PULLUP); //按钮2引脚设置为输入上拉模式 } void loop() { // 读取输入引脚的值 boolean button1State = digitalRead(Button1); boolean button2State = digitalRead(Button2); // 打印结果到串口 Serial.print("button1:"); Serial.println(button1State); Serial.print("button2...
int BUTTON = 8;//定义按钮在 12号引脚,连接一个下拉电阻 int val = 0;//变量val 存储按钮的状态 int old_val = 0;//暂存val变量的上一个时间状态 void setup(){ pinMode(BUTTON, INPUT_PULLUP);//INPUT —— 输入模式 OUTPUT —— 输出模式 INPUT_PULLUP —— 输入上拉模式 Serial.begin(9600);...
代码如下:// 定义常量const int buttonPin = 2;const int ledPin = 13;// 按键前一个状态int oldButtonState = HIGH;// 按键状态int buttonState = HIGH;// led灯状态,false->没亮,true->亮boolean ledState = false;void setup() {// 使用内置上拉电阻 pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP); p...
Now that your setup has been completed, move into the main loop of your code. When your button is not pressed, the internal pull-up resistor connects to 5 volts. This causes the Arduino to report "1" or HIGH. When the button is pressed, the Arduino pin is pulled to ground, causing ...
//configure pin2 as an input and enable the internal pull-up resistor pinMode(2, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(13, OUTPUT); } void loop() { //read the pushbutton value into a variable int sensorVal = digitalRead(2); //print out the value of the pushbutton ...
String message = “Pull Up: ” + String(buttonUpState); message = message + “。 Pull Down: ” + String(buttonDownState); // send the message Serial.println(message); delay(1); // delay in between reads for stability } 在这里,没有什么新内容了,除了该行String message =“ Pull Up:”...
//定义常量constintbuttonPin=2;constintledPin=13; //按键前一个状态intoldButtonState=HIGH;//按键状态intbuttonState=HIGH;// led灯状态,false->没亮,true->亮booleanledState=false; voidsetup(){ //使用内置上拉电阻pinMode(buttonPin,INPUT_PULLUP); ...
pinMode(buttonPin,INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop() { while (digitalRead(buttonPin) == HIGH){//while循环如果按键频道读取为真时循环 if(ledState == true)//判断灯的状态为真时 { digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW);//灯灭 ledState = !ledState;//更改灯的状态,第一次变成假 ...
Button: 用一个按钮来控制LED灯 Debounce: 读取一个按钮,并滤掉噪音 Button State Change: 记录按键按下的次数 Input Pullup Serial: 示范怎么用pinMode()来上拉引脚 Tone: play 用压电扬声器弹奏一个旋律 Pitch follower: 用模拟输入来操作压电扬声器弹奏一个高音 ...
注意:按键pin8取消了10k上拉电阻 并在代码中启用了上拉输入功能。 代码 intbutton=8;intled=2;voidsetup(){pinMode(button,INPUT_PULLUP);pinMode(led,OUTPUT);}voidloop(){intbuttonval=digitalRead(button);if(buttonval==LOW){digitalWrite(led,!digitalRead(led));}} ...