print "%-12s %s" % ("\tInstance:", cp.instance) print "%-12s %s" % ("\tDatabase:", cp.database) def querySDELayer(self): fcDesc = arcpy.Describe(self.fcName) spatial_ref = fcDesc.spatialReference spatialIndexes = arcpy.ListIndexes(self.fcName) if == "Unknown"...
The “AttributeError: DescribeData: Method spatialReference does not exist” error message can be ignored as the Describe() function does not consider basemaps as layers in the operation. Specify the Python script to run a file geodatabase (FGDB) in the Python window In ArcGIS Pro...
dfs = mp.ListDataFrames(mxd) for df in dfs: print( 1. 2. 3. 查看数据框的所有成员 callable(object) -> bool # 检查一个数据框是否可以调用 for i in dir(adf): if not i.startswith("_") and callable(getattr(adf,i)): print(i,getattr(adf,i)) 1. 2. 3. 4. 动态旋转地...
By default, when a new project is created, its default geodatabase is set to an empty geodatabase created with the same name as your project and in the same folder location. You just changed the location to an existing geodatabase. Notice how the path has a lowercaserin front of the ...
arcpy.AddField_management("c:/data/Portland.gdb/streets","LENGTH_MILES","TEXT")arcpy.CalculateField_management("c:/data/Portland.gdb/streets","LENGTH_MILES","!shape.length@miles!","PYTHON_9.3")arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion("c:/data/Portland.gdb/streets","Database Connections/My...
arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(outputWorkspace[:lastSlash], outputWorkspace[lastSlash +1:])print"Created geodatabase {0}".format(outputWorkspace[lastSlash +1:])exceptarcpy.ExecuteError: line, filename, synerror = trace()raiseReportToolsError({"function":"_CheckCreateGDBProcess","line": line,"...
createReplica(0, 'test_replica', geometry=adds[0]['geometry'], geometryType='esriGeometryPoint', inSR=4326) # now export the replica object to file geodatabase (if arcpy access) or shapefile with hyperlinks (if open source) restapi.exportReplica(replica, folder) Working with Image Services...
You will not see a choice list if your map has no feature layers in it. Add some layers to your map if you want to see the parameter's behavior. Examine the Output Polygons parameter. You should be able to choose the output location. If you choose an existing feature class, th...
# 需要導入模塊: import arcpy [as 別名]# 或者: from arcpy importDelete_management[as 別名]defsplitLines(in_workspace, job_aoi, names=[]):""" gets a list of all feature classes in a database, includes feature classes inside and outside of the feature datasets"""fcs = [] ...
Various layers in the same geodatabase are turned into Feature Layers A search cursor is created for the input dataset A for in loop is performed on the cursor (each record of the feature class) In the loop, a select by location (intersect) is performed between the input layer and...