In this example, we first set the workspace to the File Geodatabase using thearcpy.env.workspacefunction. We then use thearcpy.ListFeatureClasses()function to list all feature classes in the geodatabase. To list feature classes within feature datasets, we use a nested loop that first lists ...
示例1: get_feature_classes ▲点赞 4▼ # 需要导入模块: import arcpy [as 别名]# 或者: from arcpy importListDatasets[as 别名]defget_feature_classes(self):"""Get geodatabase feature classes as ordered dicts."""fcs = []ifself.arcpy_found: arcpy.env.workspace = self.path# iterate feature ...
视频第一个处理的代码: importosimportarcpyfromarcpyimportenv#遍历指定目录的gdb的所有图层env.workspace="D:/_3rd/地图制图实习/dituzhitu/G47.gdb"# 使用 ListFeatureClasses 遍历所有图层featureclasses=arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()# 指定裁剪边界图层#clip_feature = "D:/_3rd/地图制图实习/dituzhitu/dituzhitu....
\path\to\your\geodatabase.gdb" # 列出所有要素类 feature_classes = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses() # 循环遍历每个要素类,并更新字段值 for fc in feature_classes: # 使用UpdateCursor更新字段值 with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, ["FieldName"]) as cursor: for row in cursor: # 设置新的字段值 row[0]...
Script Name: Clip Multiple Feature Classes Description: Clips one or more shapefiles from a folder and places the clipped feature classes into a geodatabase. Created By: Insert name here. Date: Insert date here. ---""" # Import ArcPy site-packageand os modules importarcpy importos # Set...
arcpy.FeatureClassToGeodatabase_conversion(in_fc_path_list,dataset_path)#在dataset数据内创建拓扑arcpy.AddMessage(" 创建拓扑...") topology_name ="topology"topology_path = os.path.join(dataset_path, topology_name) arcpy.CreateTopology_management(dataset_path, topology_name)# 将导入dataset的要素类添...
arcpy.env.workspace = os.path.join(self.path, fd)forfcinarcpy.ListFeatureClasses(): od = self._get_fc_props(fc) od['Feature dataset'] = fd fcs.append(od)# iterate feature classes in the geodatabase rootarcpy.env.workspace = self.pathforfcinarcpy.ListFeatureClasses(): ...
arcpy.env.workspace="C:/GISData"# 设置工作空间,路径可以根据你的数据位置进行调整 1. 3. 读取数据 读取要提取属性表的要素类(例如 Shapefile 或 Geodatabase 中的图层)。使用 ArcPy 的ListFeatureClasses方法可以列出所有的要素类。以下是示例代码:
For each feature class in the geodatabase we want to access the attributes of each feature for the relevant fields. for fc in fc_list: with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, fields) as cursor: for row in cursor: If the ‘MODEL’ attribute has a None (NULL) or empty string value then print...
/data/your_geodatabase.gdb"# 定义输入 Feature Class 和输出文件input_fc="InputFeatureClass"output_file="SelectedData.csv"# 使用 SearchCursor 遍历 Feature Classwitharcpy.da.SearchCursor(input_fc,['Field1','Field2'])ascursor:withopen(output_file,'w')asf:forrowincursor:f.write(','.join(map...