arcpy.env.workspace = paths# Process: 创建 TIN# print "Process: 创建 TIN"# arcpy.CreateTin_3d(tin, "Unknown", "{}.shp CONTOUR Soft_Line CONTOUR".format(contour), "DELAUNAY")# Process: TIN 转栅格# print "Process: TIN 转栅格"# arcpy.TinRaster_3d(tin, dem, "FLOAT", "LINEAR", "CE...
So I loaded the code in the Python Window where I knew there wouldn't be licensing issues and encountered the following error messages after the code created outairast: ERROR 000865: Input conditional raster: outairast does not exist. ERROR 000865: Input false raster or constant val...,constant2,buffer) # Process: 栅格计算器 (3) print"Process: 栅格计算器 (3)" #"\"%sunny_slope%\" * \"%proper_temp%\" * \"%proper_prec%\"* \"%buffer%\"", proper_area) (Raster(sunny_slope)*Raster(proper_temp)*Ras...
Int_3d (in_raster_or_constant, out_raster) # 转为整型 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 创建要素类 // {可选} CreateFeatureclass_management(out_path, out_name, {geometry_type}, {template}, {has_m}, {has_z}, {spatial_reference}, {config_keyword}, {spatial_grid_1}, {spatial_grid_2}, {spati...
⑦地形湿度指数(TWI)-Raster Calculator:TWI=ln(SCA/Tan(Scale_slope))。 3. ①购买咖啡,烧开水。 ②打开ArcGIS,打开Python窗口。 ③输入以下代码: """ ... ...Topographic Wetness Index ... 2013-11-12 ... Jeffrey Wolf (EEB); G. Andrew Fricker (GEOG) ... UCL...
⑦地形湿度指数(TWI)-RasterCalculator:TWI=ln(SCA/Tan(Scale_slope))。Python实现自动化计算①购买咖啡,烧开水。②打开ArcGIS,打开Python窗口。""" ③输入以下代码;G.AndrewFricker(GEOG)...UCLA...Thisscript...
⑦地形湿度指数(TWI)-Raster Calculator:TWI=ln(SCA/Tan(Scale_slope))。 3. ①购买咖啡,烧开水。 ②打开ArcGIS,打开Python窗口。 ③输入以下代码: """ ... ...Topographic Wetness Index ... 2013-11-12 ... Jeffrey Wolf (EEB); G. Andrew Fricker (GEOG) ... UCL...