示例5: create_feature_layer ▲點讚 5▼ # 需要導入模塊: import arcpy [as 別名]# 或者: from arcpy importMakeFeatureLayer_management[as 別名]defcreate_feature_layer(ds, sql, name="layer"):""" creates a feature layer object """ifarcpyFound ==False:raiseException("ArcPy is required to use ...
# Create a feature layer from the lastjoindtable featureclass arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management (k_inFeatures, k_layerName) # Join the feature layer to a table arcpy.AddJoin_management(k_layerName, k_joinField, k_joinTable, k_joinField2) # Copy the layer to a new permanent feature class...
def createOutputFC(): # Input theAOI is the original first parameter (usually CLU feature layer) # # Given the path for the new output featureclass, create it as polygon and add required fields # Later it will be populated using a cursor. try: epsgWGS84 = 4326 # EPSG code for: GCS...
面不能相互重叠:在错误上右键选择 merge,将重叠部分合并到其中一个面里; 面不能有缝隙:在错误上右键选择 create feature,将缝隙部分生成一个新的要素,然后利用editor 下的 merge 把生成的面合并到相邻的一个面里; 线不能相交:部分重叠可以在错误上右键选择 subtract 去除重复部分; 线不能有悬挂:根据实际情况对线...
# 需要导入模块: import arcpy [as 别名]# 或者: from arcpy importCalculateField_management[as 别名]defcreateOutputFC(dictOfFields,preFix="Temp",shape="POLYGON"):""" This function will creat an empty polygon feature class within the scratch FGDB. The feature class will be in WGS84 ...
The only requirement is that you have a feature layer file (.lyr) before starting the tutorial. The steps below present a very high-level overview of arcpy.mapping. Throughout the tutorial, there are links to detailed help topics that provide much more information about the concepts involved,...
importarcpyin_workspace ="c:/temp"output_name ="rivers.shp"# Create a spatial reference objectspatial_ref = arcpy.SpatialReference('North America Equidistant Conic')# Run CreateFeatureclass using the spatial reference objectarcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(in_workspace, output_name, spatial_reference...
摘要:In GeoPandas, you can save a GeoDataFrame as a Shapefile using the to_file method. Here's how to do it: import geopandas as gpd # Create or load a Geo阅读全文 posted @2023-11-06 11:51McDelfino阅读(28)评论(0)推荐(0)编辑 ...
在arcpy中,输出路径函数可以用于创建新的路径,将结果保存到路径中,或者获取路径的信息。下面是一些常用的arcpy输出路径函数: 1. arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management():该函数用于创建一个新的要素类。它将根据指定的参数创建一个空要素类,并返回一个指向新要素类的路径。 2. arcpy.CopyFeatures_management():该函数...
[Feature Layer]タイプのパラメーターを使用することで、ツールのユーザーは、マップからレイヤーを選択するか、フィーチャクラスへのカタログ パスをこのパラメーターへの入力として使用できます。 [フィルター]列のセルをクリックします。 必要に応じて右にスクロールし、こ...