背景:GARCH模型相对于ARCH模型来说,it can capture smooth volatility, clustering, fat tails; 但是GARCH模型在对于昨天的shock是正还是负上的反馈是一致的;但往往市场对于negative volatility会更敏感:也就…
其中,arch_model函数是ARCH模型中常用的一个函数,该函数的返回值包括经过拟合的ARCH模型的拟合结果和一些统计信息,本文将围绕这个函数的返回值进行详细讲解。 首先,arch_model函数是Python的statsmodels包中的一个函数,它可以用来拟合各种形式的ARCH模型,包括GARCH、EGARCH、TGARCH等,其基本语法为: arch_model(data, [...
这些随机数被用于生成预先定义路径的方差,然后平均化方差用于预测。在线性GARCH类模型中,与模拟预测相比并无很多亮点。这些方法在利用如EGARCH等多步模型进行多步预测时更有价值。 假定存在BB模拟路径,一个单路径模拟过程如下: 这里模拟冲击为 ,且 bb 表明独立的模拟路径。注意,第一个残差 ,是样本残差,因而并非模拟...
Based on the in-sample trading performance, all models except GARCH are considered as the best model jointly for DSE20 index returns series, while ARCH model is selected as the best model for DSE general index returns series. A per outputs of out-of-sample trading performance, the EGARCH ...
1. The ARCH models by Eviews are adopted in this paper to forecast the variance of the benefit of financial capitals from 1993 to 2003. 利用自回归条件异方差类模型,采用1993年~2003年的数据对上证指数的波动进行拟合,结果表明,广义自回归条件异方差模型对我国股市波动具有较好的拟合效果。
This study aims to analyze the best model to expect volatility of Indonesia's coffee price using ARCH/GARCH model and to measure the coffee price volatility spillover of International market for Indonesia's coffee price using EGARCH model. These models use different conditional variance specifications...
Simulation of a GARCH(0,1), i.e. ARCH(1) Model Open Eviews Note: This is the generation of the error, e(t) = WN(t) √h(t), where h(t) is the conditional variance, i.e. Et-1 [e(t)e(t)] = Et-1 [WN(t)WN(t)] Et-1 [√h(t)√h(t)] = 1* Et-1 h(t) = ...
TK Siu,WK Ching,E Fung,... - 《Computers & Mathematics with Applications》 被引量: 46发表: 2009年 Markov-Switching GARCH Modelling of Value-at-Risk This paper proposes an asymmetric Markov regime-switching (MS) GARCH model to estimate value-at-risk (VaR) for both long and short positions...