From the earliest days of anatomic knowledge the longitudinal arching of the foot has been looked on as designed to provide resilience and has been compared in its shape and function to a spring. This view is expounded in the classic textbooks of anatomy, and has been retained by more contemp...
a shape resembling an arch or a thing with such a shape: the delicate arch of his eyebrows. • the inner side of the foot.2. vault则表示三维的拱顶,是由多个arch在不同二维平面组成的三维结构。英文释义如下:1 a roof in the form of an arch or a series of arches, typi...
Human foot morphology has been of interest to anatomists, clinicians, and paleontologists for a century due to its importance in bipedal walking. Foot shape changes as forces move through it from the body to the substrate. Although the arch of the foot has been extensively evaluated, the role ...
3. A curve with the ends down and the middle up: the arch of a raised eyebrow. 4. Anatomy An organ or structure having a curved or bowlike appearance, especially either of two arched sections of the bony structure of the foot. v. arched, arch·ing, arch·es ...
AnatomyAnorganorstructurehavingacurvedorbowlikeappearance,especiallyeither of twoarchedsectionsof thebonystructureof thefoot. from The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition Atypicallycurvedstructuralmemberspanninganopeningandservingas asupport( as for thewallor otherweightabove theope...
a shape resembling an arch or a thing with such a shape: the delicate arch of his eyebrows. • the inner side of the foot.vault表示三维的拱顶,是多个arch在不同二维平面组成的三维结构。英文释义见:1 a roof in the form of an arch or a series of arches, typical of chu...
The stiff human foot enables an efficient push-off when walking or running, and was critical for the evolution of bipedalism1,2,3,4,5,6. The uniquely arched morphology of the human midfoot is thought to stiffen it5,6,7,8,9, whereas other primates have flat feet that bend severely in...
4. Anatomy An organ or structure having a curved or bowlike appearance, especially either of two arched sections of the bony structure of the foot. v. arched, arch·ing, arch·es 1. To provide with an arch: arch a passageway. 2. To cause to form an arch or similar curve....
19 January 2016 Sarah M. Stearne1, Kirsty A. McDonald1, Jacqueline A. Alderson1, Ian North2, Charles E. Oxnard3 & Jonas Rubenson1,4 The energy-sparing spring theory of the foot's arch has become central to interpretations of the foot's mechanical function and evo...
110K Learn about lower leg anatomy and foot muscle anatomy. Explore the muscles, bones, and connective structures of the lower leg and foot in detail and explore actions, innervation, and strengthening of these muscle groups. Related to this QuestionWhat...