摘要 When exporting layouts as PDF files in ArcGIS Pro, legend items of newly added layers are included in the legend. This article describes how to remove legend items of newly added layers from the legend before exporting the layout. The following image displays an example of a legend in a...
A legend can include items from a single map frame only. You cannot drag layers from multiple map frames onto a legend. To remove legend items, expand the legend in the Contents pane to see the items. Right-click an item and click Remove. Uncheck a legend item to turn off its visibili...
A legend can include items from a single map frame only. You cannot drag layers from multiple map frames onto a legend. To remove legend items, expand the legend in the Contents pane to see the items. Right-click an item and click Remove. Uncheck a legend item to turn off its visibili...
Symbology is at its best when it needs no legend, but this isn’t always possible. If your map needs a legend, that means people are going to need help reading your map. Take the time to help them by making the best legend you can. Add a legend Remove unnecessary words Rephrase a l...
Sharing, UtilityNetwork, ParcelFabric, Raster, SceneLayers, StreamLayers, Tasks, WorkflowManager, WorkflowManager Contributor: ArcGIS Pro SDK Team <arcgisprosdk@esri.com> Organization: esri, http://www.esri.com Date: 10/22/2024 ArcGIS Pro: 3.4 Visual Studio: 2022 .NET Target Framework: .Net ...
Add back into ArcGIS Pro the ability to have nested display of graduated symbols in the legend (5:42) Having built-in polygon outline styles in ArcGIS Pro (5:54) Sort feature drawing order by date or other field (6:19) WMTS Time Dimension Support in Pro (6:40) Make the automat...
Remove content You can remove items shared to a site's content library. Note: Pages created for a site cannot be removed from the content library and are always available in a site's search results. Open a site in edit mode. Select the second drop-down menu, then Content Library. Select...
Note:You need aservice definitionfile to publish a service. You can create SD files using ArcGIS Desktop and Pro. To automate the creation of SD files from your map or project files, refer toArcPy documentation server1.services.publish_sd(sd_file='/Users/atma6951/Documents/GIS_data/SanDiego...
ItemDependency.remove_all() ItemDependency.to_dependencies User User User.bundles User.delete() User.delete_thumbnail() User.disable() User.download_thumbnail() User.enable() User.esri_access User.expire_password() User.folders User.generate_direct_access_url() User.get_thumbnail() User.get_thu...
Include the layer in an AIX export—To retain the layer's original symbology, you can include the layer in an AIX export from ArcGIS Pro or Map Viewer and open the .aix file in Illustrator. In ArcGIS Pro, add the layer to a map or layout, then export the map as an .aix file. In...