p = arcpy.mp.ArcGISProject('current') lyt = p.listLayouts('Layout')[0] leg = lyt.listElements('LEGEND_ELEMENT')[0] #Change the patch size for all legend items #only display features in the visible map frame extent for itm in leg.items: itm.patchHeight = 15 itm.patchWidth = 30 ...
Be sure to click the legend element, not alegend item. Legend items have different properties. In theElementpane, select the tab containing the properties you want to change. Optionstab Turn on or off the legend title, and adjust the title text. ...
Right-click the legend, and clickProperties. In theFormat Legendpane, underLegend Items, clickShow properties. In theFormat Legend Itempane, underShow, check theDescriptionscheck box. The image below shows the label and description of a layer symbology are displayed in a legend. ...
You’ll also need to adjust your “spacing”. Just click on the top-level legend group and they’re kind of hiding in Legends > Arrangement > Spacing. If you change the spacing for the “Items”, it will give some padding and gaps between each legend item. Converting Your Legends to G...
点击Next,Legend Title就改为“图例”,其他就先保持默认设置。之后可以双击生成的图例更改设置。此时发现图例中有多余的信息,如作为标题的“地级市”和“ADCLASS”。双击这个图例框,在出来的属性框中选择Items选项卡双击右边的“地级市”图层。出现的对话框中再点击Property,出现Legend Item对话框:...
I displaced the “Elevator type” title into the legend labels. This works well when you only have a few items in the legend. Let’s continue with my imaginary conversation: Me:The size of the circles represents capacity. The largest circles are elevators that can hold 60,000 tonnes or mo...
{id:rootRectangleclip:truewidth:800height:600propertyvar legendItems: []SymbolStyle{id:symbolStylestyleName:"Esri2DPointSymbolsStyle"SymbolStyleSearchParameters{id:symbolStyleSearchParameterskeys: ["atm","beach","campground","city-hall","hospital","library","park","place-of-worship","police-...
Search for legend items in a style Search for grids in a style Search for map surrounds in a style Search for table frames in a style Search for table frame fields in a style Feature Layer Symbology Set symbol for a feature layer symbolized with simple renderer Apply a symbol from...
legendElm.SetVisible(true); legendElm.SetName("New Legend");returnnewLayout; });varlayoutPane =awaitProApp.Panes.CreateLayoutPaneAsync(newLayout);
className="esri_layouts:RemoveLegendItems" loadOnClick="false" largeImage="pack://application:,,,/ArcGIS.Desktop.Resources;component/Images/GenericDeleteRed32.png" smallImage="pack://application:,,,/ArcGIS.Desktop.Resources;component/Images/GenericDeleteRed16.png" helpContextID=""> <tooltip heading=...