1.面生成点 :使用“要素转点(FeatureToPoint)”工具,选中内部,如图7-19所示,一个面生成一个点,点在面内部,点的属性和面属性一致。 图7-19 要素转点,需要面的属性 注意:要素转点,可以是面,或线,一个面就得到一个点;选中“内部”参数,生成点在面内,线上(默认长度的中点),未选中“内部”参数,获得几何中心...
1.面生成点 :使用“要素转点(FeatureToPoint)”工具,选中内部,如图7-19所示,一个面生成一个点,点在面内部,点的属性和面属性一致。 图7-19 要素转点,需要面的属性 注意:要素转点,可以是面,或线,一个面就得到一个点;选中“内部”参数,生成点在面内,线上(默认长度的中点),未选中“内部”参数,获得几何中心...
1.面生成点 :使用“要素转点(FeatureToPoint)”工具,选中内部,如图7-19所示,一个面生成一个点,点在面内部,点的属性和面属性一致。 图7-19 要素转点,需要面的属性 注意:要素转点,可以是面,或线,一个面就得到一个点;选中“内部”参数,生成点在面内,线上(默认长度的中点),未选中“内部”参数,获得几何中心...
Unchecked—The output point will be located at the centroid of the input feature. The output point may not always be contained by the input feature. This is the default. Checked—The output point will be located within the input feature. ...
arcpy.management.FeatureToPoint(in_features, out_feature_class, {point_location}) 参数说明数据类型 in_features 输入要素可以是多点、线、面或注记。 Feature Layer out_feature_class 输出点要素类。 Feature Class point_location (可选) 指定是使用输入要素的代表中心,还是使用包含在输入要素中的位置作为输出...
For an input line: the output point will be on the line. If the line is a parametric (true) curve, the output point will be at the midpoint of the line. For an input polygon: the output point will be inside the polygon.Syntax FeatureToPoint_management (in_features, out_feature_class...
An overview of the Features toolset Add XY Coordinates Adjust 3D Z Bearing Distance To Line Calculate Geometry Attributes Check Geometry Copy Features Delete Features Dice Feature Envelope To Polygon Feature To Line Feature To Point Feature To Polygon Feature Vertices To Points Geodetic Densify Minimum...
publicasyncTask RotateFeature(ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polygon polygon, intoid)//旋转要素 { awaitArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() => { varorigin = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, null);varrotateFeatures = newEditOperation();rotateFeatures.Name = "Rotate Features";/...
Open the ArcGIS Pro project. Note: The Pairwise Integrate tool permanently modifies the input data. It is recommended to create a backup copy of feature layers. Create a backup copy of the polyline and point feature layers using theCopy Featurestool. ...
var par_AddFeatureClass = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(top_path, fc_path); await QueuedTask.Run(() => Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("management.AddFeatureClassToTopology", par_AddFeatureClass)); 1. 2. 7、添加拓扑规则【重叠】: var par_AddRule = Geoprocessing.MakeValueArray(top_path, "Must ...