Click the map where you want to add a point feature. You can right-click the map and specify coordinates or use snapping to help you create points at exact locations. If the current map does not contain a point or multipoint feature layer, add it. ...
In the Create Features pane, feature templates for point and multipoint layers include construction tools for creating point features at intervals along a selected line. You can specify the number of evenly spaced point features or create them at equal o
publicasyncTask RotateFeature(ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Polygon polygon, intoid)//旋转要素 { awaitArcGIS.Desktop.Framework.Threading.Tasks.QueuedTask.Run(() => { varorigin = MapPointBuilderEx.CreateMapPoint(0, 0, null);varrotateFeatures = newEditOperation();rotateFeatures.Name = "Rotate Features";/...
/// can be a point, straight line, bezier curve, multipoint geometry or GeometryBag and represents the baseline geometry that the text string sits upon. /// <para></para> /// When creating an annotation feature the geometry passed to the Create method is the CIMTextGraphic geometry. //...
MapPoint newMapPoint=null;//retrieve the class definition of the point feature classvarclassDefinition = featureClass.GetDefinition()asFeatureClassDefinition;//store the spatial reference as its own variablevarspatialReference =classDefinition.GetSpatialReference();//create 20 new point geometries and queue...
ArcGIS Pro创建点场景图层包(CreatePointSceneLayerPackage) 描述 从点要素图层创建点场景图层包(.slpk 文件)。 使用方法 输出坐标系应与显示 web 场景所使用的 的空间参考相匹配。如果预期显示环境将为全球 web 场景,则输出坐标系必须使用 GCS WGS84 或 China Geodetic Coordinate System 2000。
ForOutput Feature Class, specify a name and location for the output point layer. ForOutput Type, selectPointfrom the drop-down menu. ClickRun. Points are created at the intersections, as shown on the map below. 文章ID: 000025044
addVertex=arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management("in_memory","addVertex","POLYLINE",spatial_reference=arcpy.Describe(input_line).spatialReference)arcpy.AddField_management(addVertex,"origin","LONG")# 创建与line对应的折线并写入addVertexwitharcpy.da.SearchCursor(input_line,["SHAPE@","OID@"])assc:witharcpy...
In ArcGIS Pro, points with a specified distance can be configured between the points along a line feature. For example, configuring the specified distances between streetlights on a highway line can b
In ArcMap it was possible to use theDisplay XY Datatool to generate a temporary point event layer showing the locations of your coordinates. A similar tool in ArcCatalog,Create Feature Class From XY, generates a point feature class of the input coordinate locations. However, for data in a geo...