ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that calculates accumulated distance for each cell to sources, allowing for straight-line distance, cost distance, and true-surface distance, as well as vertical and horizontal cost factors.
ArcGIS Pro 3.4| |Help archive Available with Spatial Analyst license. In many distance analyses, theDistance Accumulationtool is the primary tool to use for calculatingstraight-lineorcost distancerasters. The output can be used directly or as input to other tools to connect regions over the dista...
Use the Distance Allocation tool or the Distance Allocation raster function if a distance allocation image service output is required. Distance Accumulation is also available as a raster function. ArcGIS Pro analysis tools and raster functions The Distance Accumulation and Distance Allocation geoprocessing...
(3)By default, the output accumulation raster will cover the extent of the input raster or features. Rather than calculating the distance for the entire state, open theEnvironmentstab on the tool to set aProcessing Extentthat will apply to this specific tool run. The Distance Accumulation tool...
Distance Accumulation is a raster analysis tool that calculates accumulated distance from each cell to input sources.
ArcGIS Pro分析工具和栅格函数 距离累积和距离分配地理处理工具在Spatial Analyst工具箱中受支持。 距离累积和距离分配地理处理工具在Raster Analysis工具箱中受支持。 距离累积和距离分配可作为栅格函数使用。 ArcGIS Enterprise开发者资源 如果您正在使用ArcGIS REST API,请使用Distance Accumulation和Distance Allocation任务。
Optimal Path As Line exceeds memory when the input rasters are created from the Distance Accumulation tool using the geodesic distance method. BUG-000141393 Unable to view the output generated from the Layer To KML tool in ArcGIS Pro. BUG-000141410 BUG-000141454 In ArcGIS Pro, temporal charts ...
Distance Accumulation is a raster analysis tool that calculates accumulated distance from each cell to input sources.
ArcGIS Pro 分析工具和栅格函数 距离累积和距离分配地理处理工具在 Spatial Analyst 工具箱中受支持。 距离累积和距离分配地理处理工具在 Raster Analysis 工具箱中受支持。 距离累积和距离分配可作为栅格函数使用。 ArcGIS Enterprise 开发者资源 如果您正在使用 ArcGIS REST API,请使用 Distance Accumulation 和Distance ...
Pour points are points at which water flows out of an area. The Snap Pour Point tool snaps these points to the cell of highest flow accumulation within a specified distance. Refer toArcGIS Pro: Snap Pour Point (Spatial Analyst)for more information. ...