[距離アロケーション (Distance Allocation)]ツールには、[距離累積 (Distance Accumulation)]ツールと同じパラメーターがあり、同じ出力ラスターを作成しますが、距離アロケーション ラスターも出力します。 距離累積ラスターは、最も近いソースまたは最小コスト ソースまでの累積距離を計算します...
ArcGIS Pro 3.4 | Other versions| Help archive Available with Spatial Analyst license. Summary Calculates distance allocation for each cell to the provided sources based on straight-line distance, cost distance, and true surface distance, as well as vertical and horizontal cost factors. Learn more ...
距离分配 “距离分配”包括输入图层、距离设置和结果图层的配置。 输入图层 输入图层组包括以下参数: 输入源栅格或要素用于指定标识源的栅格或要素图层,工具将计算这些源的距离分配。您可以使用图层按钮选择一个图层,或者使用绘制输入要素按钮创建一个草图图层用作输入。对于要素输入,要素计数将显示在图层名称下方。 计数...
请通过以下资源了解更多详细信息: 距离分配的工作原理 ArcGIS REST API中的距离分配 ArcGIS API for Python中的distance_allocation 具有Raster Analysis扩展模块的ArcGIS Pro中的距离分配 具有Spatial Analyst扩展模块的ArcGIS Pro中的距离分配 有关此主题的反馈?
Output distance allocation raster nameis the name of the raster that indicates the closest, or least-cost, source for each cell to reach. The name must be unique. If a layer with the same name already exists in your organization, the tool will fail and you will be prompted to use a di...
The Distance Accumulation and Distance Allocation tools produce artifacts in the result if the Horizontal or Vertical factor parameters are specified. 9 Issues addressed at ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2 ArcGIS Pro 3.1.2 fixes the issues listed below and includes the fixes listed in the subsequent section for ...
在将distance_method参数设置为PLANAR时,CalculateDistance、DistanceAccumulation、DistanceAllocation和OptimalRegionConnections操作具有性能增强功能。 CalculateTravelCost、DetermineOptimalTravelCostNetwork和DetermineTravelCostPathAsPolyline操作具有性能增强功能。 DetectChangeUsingChangeAnalysisRaster操作支持由新AnalyzeChangesUsingLand...
Distance Accumulation Spatial Analyst Tools Distance Distance Allocation Spatial Analyst Tools Distance Divide 3D Analyst Tools Raster Math Divide Spatial Analyst Tools Math Equal To Frequency Spatial Analyst Tools Local Equal To Spatial Analyst Tools Math Logical Exp Spatial Analyst Tools Math Exp...
Distance:Cost Allocation,Cost Distance,Euclidean Allocation,Euclidean Distance Generalization:Nibble Hydrology:Fill,Flow Accumulation,Flow Direction,Sink,Stream Link, andWatershed Reclass:Rescale by Function Please note, parallel processing for the above tools are not yet supported in ArcGIS Pro 2.1. However...
ArcGIS Pro 2.5: Running “Location-Allocation” model leaves two demands points with no potential facility destinations, Despite the fact that running “Location-Allocation” model in ArcMap manages to allocate potential destination for each demand point, Pro leaves two of these ...