Checked—Keep polygons that have no points. This is the default. Unchecked—Do not return polygons with no points in the output. Boolean Summary Fields (Optional) A list of field names and statistical summary type that you wish to calculate for all points within each polygon. The count of...
Polygon对象是由 x,y 坐标对的连接序列定义的闭合形状。 说明 在许多地理处理工作流中,您可能需要使用坐标和几何信息运行特定操作,但不一定想经历创建新(临时)要素类、使用光标填充要素类、使用要素类,然后删除临时要素类的过程。可以使用几何对象替代输入和输出,从而使地理处理变得更简单。使用Geometry、Multipoint、Po...
添加了两个字段:Summarized Area in SQUAREKILOMETERS和Count of Polygons,前者表示每个地区的水库总面积(以平方千米为单位),后者表示每个区域范围内的水库数量。 注: 了解如何更改新字段的别名,尝试学习此教程管理包含过多字段的图层。 关闭属性表和地理处理窗格。
Configure the parameters in theFeature Envelope To Polygonpane. Select the output from Step 1 forInput Features, that is,VolcanoJapan_PointstoLine. ClickRun. The image below shows five polygons enveloping the line features created at five different locations. ...
CreatePolygon(points, AttributeFlags.None); hasZ = polygonWithoutAttrs.HasZ; // hasZ = false hasM = polygonWithoutAttrs.HasM; // hasM = false hasID = polygonWithoutAttrs.HasID; // hasID = false // will not have attributes because it is specified as a parameter PolylineBuilderEx ...
Create a feature layer in ArcGIS using data from an existing source, such as a SharePoint list. A feature layer is a grouping of similar geographic features, for example, buildings, parcels, cities, roads, and earthquake epicenters. Features can be points, lines, or polygons (areas). Featu...
ArcGIS.Core.Geometry – point, line, polygon ArcGIS.Core.Geometry.Envelope – supporting GP types of GPExtentEnv, GPExtent, GPEneveope ArcGIS.Core.Data.Field – supporting GPField and list of fields for GPFieldList ArcGIS.Desktop.Mapping – Layer, StandaloneTable ...
NODE_COUNT- 此字段用于存储源面和邻域面在某一点处交叉或接触的次数。 如果在输入要素中包含了选择集,则只分析所选要素。 语法 PolygonNeighbors_analysis (in_features, out_table, {in_fields}, {area_overlap}, {both_sides}, {cluster_tolerance}, {out_linear_units}, {out_area_units}) ...
Create a feature layer in ArcGIS using data from an existing source, such as a SharePoint list. A feature layer is a grouping of similar geographic features, for example, buildings, parcels, cities, roads, and earthquake epicenters. Features can be points, lines, or polygons (areas). Featu...
线转面:feature to polygon是把闭合线转换为面对象。 线转点:feature topoint是把线的中心点转为点。 线折点转为点:featurevertices to points是把线的所有折点转为点。 点转线:point to line是把有序列的点集合转为线(注:测试不理想,会把所有的线最后点连上)。