有关详细信息,请参阅从ArcMap 迁移至 ArcGIS Pro。在ArcCatalog 中,单击要为其定义坐标系的 shapefile。 单击文件菜单,然后单击属性。 单击XY 坐标系选项卡。 单击修改。 随即出现地理坐标系属性或投影坐标系属性对话框。 按照用于定义新地理坐标系或新投影坐标系的步骤更改相应的参数。 单击确定。 ...
在ArcCatalog 中,单击要为其定义坐标系的 shapefile。 单击文件菜单,然后单击属性。 单击XY 坐标系选项卡。 单击新建,然后单击地理。 输入新地理坐标系的名称。 输入合适的长半轴和短半轴或反扁率值,并输入自定义旋转椭球体和基准面的名称。 也可单击基准面或旋转椭球体下拉箭头,然后单击预定义基准面或...
To change the shape of the alignment area, expand Alignment Area and choose one of the following options: Both Draw the alignment area on both sides of the traced path. Left Draw the alignment area only on the left side of the traced path. Right Draw the alignment area only on the rig...
Optimize to preserve local angles, which gives the appearance of preserving shape at the expense of area and distance. Equidistant from one point Optimize to preserve distances only along lines running through the center point of the projected coordinate system, (the point where the latitude of ori...
PRIMEM['Greenwich',0.0],UNIT['Degree',0.0174532925199433]]","NO_PRESERVE_SHAPE","","NO_VERTICAL") 其中,arcpy.env.workspace代表当前工作空间,original_shp代表投影前的文件,在本文的例子中就是北京市边界数量数据文件,projected_shp代表投影后的文件,在本文中就是投影后北京市边界矢量数据的具体文件。
Display a Pro MessageBox Add a toast notification Change a buttons caption or image Get a button's tooltip heading Subscribe to Active Tool Changed Event Progressor - Simple and non-cancelable Progressor - Cancelable Customize the disabedText property of a button or tool Get an Imag...
ID; // id = 0, default value // Change some of the builder properties mapPointBuilder.SetValues(11, 22); mapPointBuilder.HasZ = false; mapPointBuilder.HasM = true; mapPointBuilder.M = 44; // Create another point point2 = mapPointBuilder.ToGeometry(); bool isEqual = point1.Is...
Some data sources, such as shapefiles or feature services, have a coordinate system set by default that is stored with the geometry field. Other data sources, such as delimited files or string definitions, do not have a spatial reference set by default. Checking the spatial reference of ...
It is common for data to be provided in formats such as KML, shapefiles, and text files. While these formats can be read directly by ArcGIS Pro, to access full analysis and visualization functionality, these datasets must be converted to feature classes. The Batch Import Data tool converts ...