In theContentspane, right-click the map or scene and clickProperties. On theMap Propertiesdialog box, click theCoordinate Systemstab. To change the horizontal or vertical coordinate system, click the button below theCurrent XYorCurrent Zheading, respectively. ...
如果我们只是拿到了一个文件,并没有被阐述到底用的是什么坐标系,我们也可以在ArcMap中选取Property界面下的Data Source识别数据坐标为Geographic Coordinates System:GCS_WGS_1984。 转换矢量图形坐标系 以纽约市为例,将GCS_WGS_1984世界坐标转化为UT...
Right-click while using the Auto Text tool to change the placement and symbol options. LabelExplanation Use positioning from layer Unchecked—Place where clicked. This is the default. Checked—ArcGIS Pro finds the best location for text using the label engine that is specified for the ...
关于这一点,我们可以在ArcMap软件左侧的图层列表中,右键选择图层,并选择“Properties…”进行查看。 如下图所示,在弹出的“Layer Properties”窗口的“Source”一栏,我们可以看到图层的空间参考信息;如果这里“Spatial Reference”显示的是,且“XY Coordinate System”显示的是,就证明当前图层没有包含任何地理坐标...
1.创建自定义地理(坐标)变换:在ArcMap中打开ArcToolBox,选择“数据管理工具”-“投影和变换”-“创建自定义地理(坐标)变换”,在打开的对话框中选择“输出地理坐标系”,具体为“Geographic CoordinateSystems\Asia\China_Geodetic_Coordinate_System_”,设置“COORDINATE_FRAME”变换方法,参数默认,选择“确定”,结束“创...
are added to the GCP Manager table and display the residuals for each GCP. The quality of the fit between the adjusted block and the map coordinate system can be evaluated using these values. The Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of the residuals can be viewed by expanding the Residual Overview...
Change map frame extent to selected features in multiple layers Change map frame extent to single feature with 15 percent buffer Activate Map Frame Deactivate Map Frame Get the Activated Map Frame and MapView Translates a point in page coordinates to a point in map coordinates. Translates...
2、桌面软件:ArcGIS pro 和 ArcMap 3、辅助软件: Collector for ArcGIS- 移动数据采集 Navigator for ArcGIS- 高度可定制的移动路由解决方案 Operations Dashboard for ArcGIS- 资源实时监控和自定义工作台 Explorer for ArcGIS- 发现和查看组织中的 GIS 服务 ...
ChangeType == VoxelAssetEventArgs.VoxelAssetChangeType.Remove) return; //Get "what"changed - add or update //eg IsoSurface VoxelLayer voxelLayer = null; if (args.AssetType == VoxelAssetEventArgs.VoxelAssetType.Isosurface) { var surface = MapView.Active.GetSelectedIsosurfaces().FirstOrDefault(...
Excellent integration exists between ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Pro. Before adding your ArcGIS Online items into ArcGIS Pro, if your registered MapGenie basemaps are shared publicly and have existing limit usage set, an additional limit usage must be set for each: