ArcGIS geoprocessing tool that adds a new field to a table or the table of a feature class or feature layer, as well as to rasters with attribute tables.
AddFieldDelimiters 基础设施管理 使用GIS 创建现代化、有弹性且可持续发展的未来。 规划和运营的地理方法有助于领导者了解基础设施工程与周围环境的关系。 探索基础设施管理 专题培训 在ArcGIS 中使用公共设施网络 在为期两天的课程中,您将学习如何高效地创建和编辑网络功能、维护实用程序数据的完整性以及快速识别网络...
arcgis pro SDK 属性表增加字段,需要用到Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync接口,需要注意var gpResult = await Geoprocessing.ExecuteToolAsync("Management.AddField", parameters);中parameters的构造,有三个必要参数,分别为输入表、字段名、字段类型。 其中输入表是指 要添加指定字段的输入表。 字段将被添加到现有输入表,...
MessageBox.Show("Unable to find a feature class at the first layer of the active map");else{vardataSource =awaitGetDataSource(layer); MessageBox.Show($@"{dataSource} was found ... adding a new Field");awaitExecuteAddFieldTool(layer,newKeyValuePair<string,string>(AddFieldName, AddFieldName...
addVertex=arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management("in_memory","addVertex","POLYLINE",spatial_reference=arcpy.Describe(input_line).spatialReference)arcpy.AddField_management(addVertex,"origin","LONG")# 创建与line对应的折线并写入addVertexwitharcpy.da.SearchCursor(input_line,["SHAPE@","OID@"])assc:witharcpy...
添加字段:Open Attribute Table/Table Options/Add Field 图3 添加字段 将矢量数据与土地利用类型编码对应表通过各自的地类编码字段进行连接(Join),并通过字段计算器(Field Calculator)将土地利用类型赋给“Type2010”,移除连接。 属性表连接:Joins and Relates/Join ...
In theCatalogpane, on thePortaltab, clickMenu, and selectRefresh. Browse to and right-click the layer, and selectAdd To Current Map. The image below shows the field in the attribute table is editable in ArcGIS Pro.
Note:At ArcGIS Pro 3.0, there is a new ArcGIS Pro extensions NuGet called Esri.ArcGISPro.Extensions30. If you are migrating an Add-in or Configuration from 2.x to 3.0 using thePro Migration tool, and if the project includes the 2.x NuGet, the NuGet reference will be automatically be...
摘要 In some instances, it is necessary to exclude non-required values from a field used to label a map. This article describes the workflow to exclude certain values from a field in a feature layer label in ArcGIS Pro. In this example, when labeling a map using a number field, some fe...