ArcGIS Pro 3.4| |Help archive Summary Adds a new field to a table or the table of a feature class or feature layer, as well as to rasters with attribute tables. Usage Caution: This tool modifies the input data. SeeTools that modify or update the input datafor more information and strat...
In theCatalogpane, on thePortaltab, clickMenu, and selectRefresh. Browse to and right-click the layer, and selectAdd To Current Map. The image below shows the field in the attribute table is editable in ArcGIS Pro. 文章ID: 000024877
. Create a new field with the desired data type in the feature layer attribute table. Refer toArcGIS Pro: Create a field and apply a domain and default valuefor instructions. In this example, the data type is Float. Open theCalculate Fieldtool. In theInput Tablesection, select the desired...
Script and model tools have four new Attribute properties on the General tab of the Tool Properties dialog box: Show banner that tool modifies the input data Do not add tool outputs to map Show Enable Undo toggle Show banner that tool consumes ArcGIS credits Geoprocessing tool parameter descriptio...
Add Field Summary Adds a new field to a table or the table of a feature class, feature layer, raster catalog, and/or rasters with attribute tables. Usage Coverages, stand-alone tables, feature classes from ArcSDE and personal or file geodatabases, layer files, raster catalogs, and shape...
<group refID="esri_mapping_FieldGroupsGroup" /> </tab> <tab id="esri_mapping_homeTab" caption="地图" condition="esri_mapping_pane_core" keytip="M" placeWith="esri_core_insertTab" insert="before" xmlns=""> <group refID="esri_core_clipboardGroup" ...
“属性表”用户界面可用于查看、编辑和搜索数据,要打开该界面,可通过Esri 内容窗格中要素图层的操作按钮或快捷菜单,或通过Esri_FeatureLayer命令的属性选项。 可通过选择字段标注,将基于该字段值的记录排序切换为升序或降序。 用户界面选项表: 元素描述 选择工具下拉菜单选项: ...
添加字段:Open Attribute Table/Table Options/Add Field 图3 添加字段 将矢量数据与土地利用类型编码对应表通过各自的地类编码字段进行连接(Join),并通过字段计算器(Field Calculator)将土地利用类型赋给“Type2010”,移除连接。 属性表连接:Joins and Relates/Join ...
可按导出任何其他属性表的方式来导出您的栅格属性表。 需要查看栅格属性表。有关这些步骤,请参阅查看栅格属性表。 单击表选项按钮 ,然后单击导出。 在导出数据 对话框上单击导出下拉箭头,选择导出所有记录或所选记录。 仅当在表中选择了记录时,所选记录选项才可用。 单击输出表浏览按钮 ,并导航至要放置导出...
9、區I bjjffl Ld R*Open attributE TableJoins a Open Attribute TsbleZoomtoomVisibleOpen th is kyer5 attribute table, Shortcut; CTRL + double-click layer name OR CTRL 4 T.点击 show selected records找到bj字段,右击选择Field Calculator,打开Field Calculator对话框,对话框中输入bj的值 1,点击okSort...