其中, input txt file 选择下面格式中的坐标点 txt 文件, Input decimal separator 中在英文状态下输入任一字符,但不能使用空格, Output Feature Class 选输出路径, Output Feature Class Spatial Reference 中选择坐标系或导入参考已有图层坐标系。 txt 文件格式说明: 1、 Polyline 后面不能有空格;(如果要生成面,...
输入要素(Input Feature):此处添加被裁剪矢量数据; 裁剪要素(Clip Feature):此处添加裁剪范围数据; 输出要素目录(Output Feature Class):此处为输出要素的路径(默认路径是安装软件的路径下的数据库); XY公差(可选)(XY Tolerance(optional)):此处是选填,一般不用填,视情况而定。 10 栅格数据变换 https://blog.csd...
# Name: FeatureToPoint_Example2.py# Description: Use FeatureToPoint function to find a point inside each park# import system modulesimportarcpy# Set environment settingsarcpy.env.workspace="C:/data"# Set local variablesinFeatures="parks.shp"outFeatureClass="c:/output/output.gdb/parks_pt"# Use...
/data/Portland.gdb/Census"# Set local variablesinFeatures="blockgrp"tempLayer="blocklayer"expression='"Area_Sq_Miles" < 0.15'outFeatureClass="C:/output/output.gdb/eliminate_output"exclusionExpression='"OBJECTID" = 9'# Execute MakeFeatureLayerarcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(inFeatures,tempLayer)#...
This ArcGIS 3.0 documentation has beenarchivedand is no longer updated. Content and links may be outdated.See the latest documentation. Description The output feature class cannot be created as named. Solution The name that has been specified is likely invalid. Correct ...
Output Feature Class The output feature class containing the exported features. Feature Class Expression (Optional) An SQL expression used to select a subset of features. SQL Expression Use Field Alias as Name (Optional) Specifies whether the input's field names or field aliases will be used as...
ForOutput Location, clickBrowse…. to specify the location for the output feature class. SpecifyOutput Name. ClickRun. The new feature class created by theFeature Class To Feature Classtool is automatically added to the map. The image below shows the new feature layer, Contour_Elevationless...
In the Intersect geoprocessing pane, for Input Features, select the line layer output from step 1. For Output Feature Class, specify a name and location for the output point layer. For Output Type, select Point from the drop-down menu. ...
FeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Feature --以及图层最容易理解的讲解;如有巧合,一定是别人抄袭(Arcgis辅助理解),首先呢,作为一名giser而言,最基本的就是操作地图;操作地图当中
The output feature class containing the fishnet of rectangular cells. Feature Class Fishnet Origin Coordinate The starting pivot point of the fishnet. Point Y-Axis Coordinate The y-axis coordinate is used to orient the fishnet. The fishnet is rotated by the same angle as defined by the line ...