# Name: FeatureClassToFeatureClass_Example2.py# Description: Use FeatureClassToFeatureClass with an expression to create a subset# of the original feature class.# Import system modulesimportarcpy# Set environment settingsarcpy.env.workspace="C:/data/GreenvalleyDB.mdb/Public Buildings"# Set local ...
Converts a feature class or feature layer to a feature class. Usage To manage the fields in the output dataset and the contents of those fields, use theField Mapparameter. To change the field order, select a field name and drag it to the new position. ...
工具调用方法:ArcToolbox-->Convertion tools-->To Geodatabase-->Feature Class To Feature Class或在Command line中使用FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion命令。 输出格式为Shapefile或Geodatabase feature class。 优点:可使用Expression指定条件,只导入符合条件的要素,使用Command line命令行格式可以实现批量转换。
|CAD to Geodatabase | CAD平地理数据库| |Feature Class to Feature Class |要素类转要素类 | |Feature Class to Geodatabase (multiple) |要袁类转至地理数据库 (批量)| lmport CAD Annotation |导入CAD注记 | |Import Coverage Annotation |导入Coverage注记 | |Raster To Geodatabase (multiple) ...
现在用到arcgis中GP工具中的FeatureClassToFeatureClass工具实现修改字段名称的功能遇到了一点问题field_mapping属性构建失败,晚上查询了一些事例但是没有达到我的要求我用的是c#编程... 现在用到 arcgis 中 GP工具中的 FeatureClassToFeatureClass 工具 实现修改字段名称的功能 遇到了一点问题 field_mapping 属性 构建失败...
It would be great is this could be resolved without having to run an additional data management function. It would also be great if you could just run the Feature Class To Feature Class (Conversion) from a python script for data hosted on ArcGIS Online and Hub. I am going ...
(4) 使用上述相同的方法(Feature Class to Feature Class 工具), 将…\DATA\BuildingGeodatabase\boundary.shp 和 study_area.shp 分别转化为 Geodatabase 格式,导入 New File Geodatabase.gdb 中。 栅格数据入库 (1) 定位到 ArcToolbox —> Conversion Tools —> To Geodatabase—> Raster To Geodatabase...
workspace=dataforiinrange(0,500):name="point"+str(i)arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion(point,data,name)ifi%20==0:start=time.time()fslist=arcpy.ListFeatureClasses(feature_type="POINT")end=time.time()print"gdb图层个数为{0}".format(str(len(fslist)))print"ListFeatureClasses 耗时{0...
2. 点击工具栏上的红色工具箱,打开ArcToolbox。定位到ArcToolbox > Coversion Tools > To Geodatabase > Feature Class to Feature Class 工具,双击打开此工具。 常用的格式转换工具都可以在 ArcToolbox > Conversion Tools 中找到。 3. 在弹出的Feature Class to Feature Class工具窗口中,Input Features项填入...
FeatureLayer.FeatureClass.Feature --以及图层最容易理解的讲解;如有巧合,一定是别人抄袭(Arcgis辅助理解),首先呢,作为一名giser而言,最基本的就是操作地图;操作地图当中