The online map to be taken offline. The online map will be of typePortalItemType.webMap, either on ArcGIS Online or an on-premise ArcGIS Enterprise Portal. Implementation ArcGISMap?getonlineMap => _onlineMap.value; OfflineMapTask class
Whenever possible, it is recommended that you prepare offline map areas ahead of time. Defining offline areas ahead of time has the following benefits over an on-demand workflow: The data for the offline map area is packaged once for all users who need it and hosted in ArcGIS Online. A ...
Create an offline map task Create an OfflineMapTask from either an online Map or from a PortalItemrepresenting a web map. // Get a web map item from ArcGIS Online using its ID. var agol = await ArcGISPortal.CreateAsync(); var webmapItem = await PortalItem.CreateAsync(agol, "acc027394...
On the Open Project dialog box, under Portal , click ArcGIS Online . Note: If you see ArcGIS Enterprise listed instead, you must set your active portal to ArcGIS Online. At the top of the dialog box, in the Search box, type Make Offline Map example and press Enter. Select the project...
当您的地图包含 web 要素图层或 web 切片图层时,您可以将地图置于离线状态,并在没有网络连接的情况下完成工作。 如果地图包含已正确配置为支持下载内容的图层,则下载地图按钮可用,例如: 要素图层配置为支持同步。 切片图层配置为支持导出切片。 矢量切片图层配置为支持导出切片。
You can use an Esri basemap to go offline with anArcGIS Enterprisemap. To do so, you need to meet the following requirements and take the following steps: You have an account that is a member of an organization inArcGIS Online. You are usingArcGIS Enterprise. ...
privatevoidswitchToOfflineMap(String tpkName){String path=Const.FILEPATH+"/TPK/"+tpkName;Log.d(TAG,path);List<Layer>baseLayers=newArrayList<>();TileCache tileCache=newTileCache(path);ArcGISTiledLayer arcGISTiledLayer=newArcGISTiledLayer(tileCache);String bzTPKpath=Const.FILEPATH...
I have written the following code to generate an offline database for Esri maps, var documents = Environment.GetFolderPath (Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); var seedFile = documents + @"\EsriMap.geodatabase"; if (!File.Exists (seedFile)) { File.Create ...
当您在ArcGIS Enterpriseweb 地图中离线使用Esri矢量底图时,底图只能以默认的 World Street Map 样式显示。 完成以下步骤以添加可离线使用的Esri底图: 在ArcGIS Online中的切片底图或矢量底图组内找到要使用的底图,然后打开其项目页面。 在项目页面上的URL部分,单击包含图层 URL 的文本框旁的复制。
接下来,项目经理将从 ArcMap 发布 InspectionFS 要素。 项目经理将检查服务编辑器中的同步功能,因为该服务将用于离线地图中。项目经理还将单击高级选项显示要素服务高级选项。 在要素服务高级选项中,项目经理将选择为每位用户创建版本选项。借助此选项,外业工作人员首次下载地图时,ArcGIS 将为其创建版本。工作人员同步...