当您的地图包含 web 要素图层或 web 切片图层时,您可以将地图置于离线状态,并在没有网络连接的情况下完成工作。 如果地图包含已正确配置为支持下载内容的图层,则下载地图按钮可用,例如: 要素图层配置为支持同步。 切片图层配置为支持导出切片。 矢量切片图层配置为支持导出切片。
在ArcGIS Pro中,包含 Web 要素图层或 Web 切片图层的地图可离线使用,以在无网络连接的情况下继续工作。 可通过此功能编辑 Web 要素图层的离线副本并在网络连接可用时将编辑内容同步到门户中的 Web 要素图层。 离线 Web 切片图层无法编辑,但可以为您的要素图层提供空间上下文。
namespace ArcGIS.WPF.Samples.GenerateOfflineMap { [ArcGIS.Samples.Shared.Attributes.Sample( name: "Generate offline map", category: "Map", description: "Take a web map offline.", instructions: "When the app starts, you will be prompted to sign in using a free ArcGIS Online account....
Once the map loads, zoom to the extent you want to take offline. The red border shows the extent that will be downloaded. Tap the "Take Map Offline" button to start the offline map job. The progress bar will show the job's progress. When complete, the offline map will replace the o...
Offline—Prepare for offline data collection. Copy a basemap (if needed), download a map area, enable automatic sync, and configure data transfer to use a Wi-Fi connection. Copy a basemap—Get a custom basemap into the app without publishing it to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise. Units...
tile layer or hosted vector tile layer fromArcGIS Pro, enable theAllow clients to export cache tilesoption.Alternatively, you can enable theAllow this layer to be downloaded and used in an offline mapoption on theSettingstab of the layer's item page inArcGIS Onlineafter you publish the layer...
Current location marker and search result pin on Map/Scene is not disappearing after navigating to other slide and returning to the same slide. (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6) Web Scene in offline briefings shows loading indicator instead of offline placeholder. (Fixed in ver. 1.4.6) Images with Fit...
如果在向门户发布数据时通过 ArcMap 启用离线编辑(同步),数据将自动配置为允许进行同步。但是,如果您的门户托管服务器未使用通过 ArcGIS Data Store 创建的关系数据存储,并且您允许在通过 ArcMap 发布数据之后再启用离线编辑,或者通过门户的一个 shapefile 或 CSV 文件发布要素图层,则必须准备要参与离线地图使用的数据...
操作方法:离线授权 Portal for ArcGIS There are times when an ArcGIS Enterprise environment is only accessible within an organization's network, and authorizing licenses through the internet is not an option. Environments that use Portal for ArcGIS versions 10.1 through 10.6.1 follow an offline ...
Part I and Part II of Building Offline Apps with the ArcGIS Runtime SDK. For documentation, see "Allow offline editing" here to learn how to enable support for sync in an ArcGIS Online Feature Service and see here for creating a .geodatabase file to side-lo...