1 回の操作につき、1 つのフィールドにのみ演算を適用できます。 複数の計算を適用するには、[フィールド演算 (複数) (Calculate Fields)]ツールを使用します。 既存のフィールドの値は上書きされます。 元の値を維持するには、バックアップとして入力テーブルのコピーを作成するか、[ジオプ...
Replace the null values in a single field using the Calculate Field function with the Python parser There are two options to replace Null values in a single field. Use the conditional operator in the Python parser, or if 3D Analyst is licensed, use theReclassifyfunction. Using the conditional ...
Calculate a field in the data table Fields calculated in the data table only appear in the workbook and are not added to the original dataset. If you want to preserve the calculated field outside of the workbook, you can create a new feature layer by sharing the dataset or using data eng...
Calculate Fieldwill always create a layer. It will not modify the input. You can only calculate values for a single field at a time. You can calculate values for an existing field or for a new field you add by creating a unique field name. ...
计算字段 (CalculateField) 示例:计算质心 使用CalculateField 将质心值分配给新字段。 # Name: CalculateField_Centroids.py# Description: Use CalculateField to assign centroid values to new fields# Import system modulesimportarcpytry:# Set environment settingsarcpy.env.workspace="C:/data/airport.gdb"# Se...
第二步,直接调用字段计算的方法,方法名称是:arcpy.CalculateField_management,其后面的括号带四个参数,分别是计算的图层名称(即表名称)、计算的字段(即在哪个字段上右键调出字段计算器)、计算表达式(就是选择的赋值字段)、Python版本(固定值); 第三步,回车执行,糟糕,报错了。不要紧,仔细分析一下,看是语法问题,还是...
Field Calculate功能很强大,仅仅举一个例子来说明其强大功能的一个方面。 dimoldBHasString oldBH=[BH] dimnewBHasString selectcaseoldBH case"类别1" newBH="1001" case"类别2" newBH="1002" case"类别3" newBH="1003" case"类别4" newBH="1004" ...
Right-click the field header and selectCalculate Fieldto open theCalculate Fieldwindow. In theCalculate Fieldwindow, theInput TableandField Name (Existing or New)parameters are automatically selected. ForExpression Type, selectPython 3. Copy the following expression and paste it into theExpressionbox....
Use the Calculate Field tool to reformat the strings to all lowercase or to the correct case. A field contains coded values. You can configure the Calculate Field tool with the Arcade Decode function to change the codes in the existing field to the values they represent. A feature's schema...
应用工具CALCULATE AREA 或者使用VBA代码实现 新建字段并开启Advanced 写入代码,面积计算: Dim Output as double Dim pArea asIarea Set pArea = [shape] 在最后的一个空格里面写入代码(即:字段名)pArea.area 长度计算: Dim Output as double Dim pCurve as ICurve ...