ArcGIS Pro 3.4| |ヘルプのアーカイブ Spatial Analyst のライセンスで利用可能。 Image Analyst ライセンスで利用できます。 サマリー Set Null は、指定した条件に基づいて指定のセル位置を NoData に設定します。 条件評価が True の場合は NoData、False の場合は別のラスターで指定した値を返し...
Similarly,Set Nullis often used to change all values that meet a specified condition to NoData. It can be used for processing the remaining selected cells, to create a mask, or to eliminate certain cells for future consideration within a model. Examples Using an expression To set any...
Starting from version 2.5, ArcGIS Pro releases ship with conda and thearcgispackage pre-installed. The functionality of conda is integrated into ArcGIS Pro through thePython Package Manager. The Python Package Manager removes many of the hurdles faced when writing Python code. It supports installing...
In ArcGIS Pro, you can no longer create your own custom geoprocessing tool in .NET. However, you can create a tool using Python script and call it in .NET code. If you need to run a sequence of tools with inputs from the users between the calls, create a model with the sequence s...
Set the current tool Activate a tab Activate/Deactivate a state - to modify a condition Determine if the application is busy Get the Application main window Close ArcGIS Pro Get ArcGIS Pro version Close a specific pane Activate a pane ProWindow Position on Screen Get Information ...
A collection of transportation network datasets defined for the map or scene. Map and scene authors can use ArcGIS Pro to create mobile map or scene packages that include transportation networks. If the map or scene is created from one of these packages, this collection will be populated with ...
2、因为国家天地图官网的切片服务用的切片方案是国家天地图切片方案,ArcGIS JS API虽然从4.12版本开始支持三维场景中加载2000坐标系服务,但是2000坐标系的切片服务目前仅支持ArcGIS Pro内置的切片方案,所以我们还需要定义一套切片规则来进行两个切片方案的转换,如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 //定义瓦片结构 let tileInfo...
前面已经通过Region Group工具生成了带有Count字段的栅格(比如RegionG_tif2),并使用Set Null工具创建了一个掩膜(即标记了Count < 10的小斑块为NoData) Input raster (输入栅格):这是你的原始分类影像 Input raster mask (输入栅格掩膜):选择SetNull_RegionG.tif,这是你通过Set Null工具生成的掩膜,标记了Count <...
您可以尝试以管理员模式运行 ArcGIS Pro。右键单击应用程序快捷方式,然后选择以管理员身份运行。执行之前失败的任务。如果错误由访问权限引起,则以管理员身份运行可能会成功完成此操作。 大多数地理处理工具都可以成功使用空数据属性,但是这些空值偶尔也可能会导致问题。您可以对其进行测试,方法为:复制数据,然后使用计算字段...