指导性阅读分级体系Guided Reading Level(GRL),也称Fountas and Pinnell阅读分级体系,这是一套儿童读物的评级体系。 这个分级体系由Irene Fountas 和 Gay Su Pinnell 美国大学的两位教授发展建立,是...
在对一本书进行AR评定时还会出现一个标准叫做兴趣等级Interest Level,例如一本书的Interest Level为(MG 4-8),这代表着4-8年级的孩子对这本书会感兴趣,这对于起步晚的孩子有很大的参考价值,理想的状态是孩子的阅读等级和兴趣等级能基本匹配。 GRL分级体系 GRL(Guided Reading Level)也可称为F&P 分层阅读体系,是...
购买Star Reading 的账号后,可以直接进入官网进行测试,打开链接,选择学生账号,输入登陆账号和密码和管理员密码,开始进入答题界面 测试之后会有一份详尽的诊断报告(Diagnostic Report):包括阅读分数(Scaled Score, SS), 排名(Percentile Rank, PR),阅读级别(Instructional Reading Level, IRL),推荐阅读范围(Zone of Prox...
(1)和RAZ比较,Level在C以后,完胜; (2)和Lexile比较,完胜。 6-12岁 英文阅读规划路线图 二维码到小红书中“扫一扫”,即可看到完整版“6-12岁英文自主阅读能力培养”PPT。 看完还不能理解,请看下一条。 JJBOOKS有一面AR墙,大致有7000-8000本分级阅...
BookScanner App $1.99: Another easy peasy app where you simply scan a barcode to obtain all relevant AR Reading info. The Literacy Leveler is $3.99, but does a bit more than some of the other available AR apps. Not only will it scan books and provide level information, but it also all...
In addition, AR picture book reading was more conducive to improving participants' level of attention and confidence in reading. This work adds to the ongoing endeavors in incorporating AR picture books into classroom settings, and will inform future development of original Chinese picture books with...
Enter a quiz number to pull up quiz info. Find the books you want to read based on your critera. Search within collections for even more search criteria. Search by Title, Author First & Last Name, Reading Level and Points Save them to your list for reading later ...
如何用AR bookfinder 搜myON的书呢?同时购买了我们AR和myON产品的老师和家长们可以登录,点击 Advanced Search 输入 Interest Level 和孩子Star Reading报告上的ZPD,然后criteria选择myON books就可以搜到啦!这样为孩子选书方便快捷,孩子还可以随时随地进行阅读哦,端午假期不妨让孩子好好读本书吧!
Dear Parent or Guardian,There are many things you can do to help your child become a better reader.• Read with your child.• Start a home library.• Ask questions about the books your child has read.When you make learning a family affair, there’s no limit to the success your ...
AR值则聚焦在中小学(K12)领域,而且更擅长分析图书(books)。 因此,我们会看到: 蓝思值只用“数字+字母L”表示,数字越大,代表书越难读,或是读者的阅读能力越强。 从下表可以看出,美国高三(G12)年级教材的蓝思值不超过1500L: 美国GK到G12各年级教材的蓝思值 ...