在对一本书进行AR评定时还会出现一个标准叫做兴趣等级Interest Level,例如一本书的Interest Level为(MG 4-8),这代表着4-8年级的孩子对这本书会感兴趣,这对于起步晚的孩子有很大的参考价值,理想的状态是孩子的阅读等级和兴趣等级能基本匹配。 GRL分级体系 GRL(Guided Reading Level)也可称为F&P 分层阅读体系,是...
一是测试孩子的阅读能力,该测试称为STAR Rading,测试结果主要体现为GE值(Grade Equivalent Level); 二是通过官网查询英语读本的阅读难度,以ATOS Book Level作为难度衡量指标; 三是测试孩子对特定读物的理解程度,该测试称为AR Quiz。 (备注:STAR reading及AR Quiz测试均为有偿服务,某宝上有商家提供相关服务,STAR+AR...
在对一本书进行AR评定时还会出现一个标准叫做兴趣等级Interest Level,例如一本书的Interest Level为(MG 4-8),这代表着4-8年级的孩子对这本书会感兴趣,这对于起步晚的孩子有很大的参考价值,理想的状态是孩子的阅读等级和兴趣等级能基本匹配。 GRL分级体系 GRL(Guided Reading Level...
http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/bookwizard 指导性阅读分级体系Guided Reading Level(GRL),也称Fountas and Pinnell阅读分级体系,这是一套儿童读物的评级体系。 这个分级体系由Irene Fountas 和 Gay Su Pinnell 美国大学的两位教授发展建立,是在美...
比如Green Eggs and Ham这本书标为LG,也就是美国大班到3年级孩子会感兴趣。给中国孩子选书,通常的麻烦就是,孩子的英文阅读水平还没到,但Interest Level已经很高了。所以建议家长在选书时,除了参考ATOS Book Level,还要参考Interest Level。 还有一个参数...
Scan barcodes to find out Accelerated Reader information for a book. Enter a quiz number to pull up quiz info. Find the books you want to read based on your critera. Search within collections for even more search criteria. Search by ...
child to read is easier than ever.Visit www.arbookfind.com to access AR BookFinder.With just a few clicks, you can search for titles at the appropriate level that your child will find interesting and enjoyable.Parent’s Guide to AR BookFinder (800) 338-4204 • www.renlearn.com ...
Online sign in works as well (tested using Facebook SSO), along with offline reading support. Wealthsimple Trade 2.27.1 (2195) 11 ✅ WeChat 8.0.32 13, 12 ✅ WhatsApp 11 ⚠️ WhatsApp cloud chat backups will not work, app was tested with microG installed ...
PS. Of-course by the time I wrote this I had bought the book and started reading it. I loved it even more. karmasutra and facebook Content of this post started from this picture which came about just as I was wondering if I should get back to facebook or not, or not just yet… ...
(2024) The Effectiveness of the Interactive Book Reading on Primary School Students’ Images of Scientists. Science & Education. Crossref Meng Chun Lam, Nazatul Aini Abd Majid, Nurul Izzaty Hassan, Nadhratun Naiim Mobarak, Siok Yee Tan, Harwati Hashim, Sook Yee Liew, Daniel Soon, Rimani...